Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Instructions ~ 100 words per box
1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? If I had not used a computer then I would have had to write it out long hand and also have to print so many of the copies off, which would have cost me a lot of money. The complications with writing it out it would have taken time, I would have had to restart if I had made a mistake, I would have had to get somebody to check my spelling just encase if I had to get it wrong and you cant put pictures on if I had written it out and it would of made it look boring. I could have talked to the year 6’s parents this would still of took longer because I would have had to think of what I would have had to say. out. I also used a computer because I can go back and use spell check to check my spelling can also change the font size and I can also change all the colours. When using computers I can use pictures and lots of animation to improve my presentation. I can also add videos so that the students now who are members of staff are and who the main members of staff are.
1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? The skills I need to learn in PowerPoint are I need to be able to add charts and upload videos from the internet. Changing the font size (Text, sub headings, main heading this is important because I need to be able to have different fonts for different parts of my work) Changing the colour (This is important it makes the work stand out and makes the work look better) Inserting pictures (This is good because the parents of the year 6’s know what the students will be learning and what they have to wear for the school uniform) Saving (So that I don’t lose the work that I have done in the lesson) Hyperlinks (So that they can go to any slides that they want to go to) Insert tables (So that they can see how the school get on every year for the GCSE’S) Master slides (This is important because you wont have to go slide by slide doing the same layout over and over again you can just have the layout ready)
1.2What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? The resources I used for my PowerPoint are: Presentation package (PowerPoint) I used PowerPoint because I now the sight really well and I had used another sight then I would of took longer because I didn’t now it that well. Pictures (These are important because it makes it look interesting) Hyperlinks (videos, pictures, charts, and websites) It lets the parents go to specific slides. Sound (the bell) Using sound affects makes the audience to know what the sound of the bell is for this school and to be able to get a close hearing of it before they go there. Master slide (The layout) This was used so that I dint have to make the layout over and over again.
1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) The factors that might of affected how well I completed my presentation is Attendance: When completing my presentation I had to be in everyday and to complete my work and send it off to the exam board. Distractions: When I was doing my presentation there could be distractions E.G talking and students distracting you. Lateness: When I was doing my presentation I could be late but then if I was then I would have had to catch up with my work. Knowledge of software The Knowledge of the software I now really well because I know how to edit in videos and edit in sound and edit hyperlinks to other slides. Focus: I was always focused in this lesson and when I finished my work I would have had to send it straight off to the exam board but I didn’t have my password so the teacher helped me with it.
1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I chose PowerPoint to make my presentation because I could add videos and I could add sound and many pictures and it was also easier because I could use a master slide so that I didn’t have to keep on redoing the layout. I didn’t use word because it didn’t have master slides and It didn’t have the master slide so that meant I would have had to keep on doing the load out over and over again in word I would of took longer than what it took to complete because I wouldn’t of been able to add videos and I wouldn’t be able to add sound to the work.
2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? The tools that I used to make my presentation appropriate are: The Insert tool: I used this tool so that I can insert videos, pictures and sounds this is so that I could make my presentation interesting. The Master slide tool: I used this tool so that I didn’t have to do the slide layout over and over again this is the easiest way of making a presentation because you are able to do your work and you don’t have to keep on restarting the layout. The Hyperlink tool: I used this tool because the year 6 parents are able to access the slides that they want to access very easy like the uniform slide they will just need to click on the hyperlink and it will take them to that slide and then they will have to click on another slides that they want to go on.
1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes, AUP) I may have been breaking copyright because I didn’t double-check If I was allowed to use the images, videos and the sounds this is because I just thought because they was on the school website that I could just take them from the college website this was so that I could make my presentation interesting and that they presentation didn’t look boring. On the other hand I asked my I.C.T teacher if I could use these pictures and the videos and the sounds E.T.C. I took the pictures from the website because I felt because they are part of the school they were there for us to use them.
2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? To improve my presentation I could have : added more information such as why we have the school website and what student voice is and why we have student voice I could of added these because it would of showed the year 6 parents what facilities we use on the computers in school and what we use them for. added more sounds: because it makes it more interesting and it will let the year 6 parents now what the bell sounds like. videos but it would of depended on what size my presentation was. inserting more tables so that the year 6 parents now what targets we set for pupils and what GCSE levels students have achieved. Manage my time: So that I can finish it on time.
3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? (keyboard shortcuts, file names & locations, backups, work after school, templates, planning) The improvements that I could have done to improve my work rate are: Plan more because I didn’t have enough information to do my work while I was doing my work I had to keep on going on the school website or think about what I was putting because I didn’t put enough information on my plan. I could of came back after school to find the information and the pictures so that I didn’t have to find them while I was doing my work. I could of put my planning and my presentation in the same folder so that I didn’t have look through all of my folders trying to find my plan. Keyboard shortcuts because I was using the mouse to copy and paste all of the time this made me work a little bit slower because I was using the mouse click.