Adapted By: Chris Anderson and Sharon Lounsberry University of Illinois Extension Created By: Brent Strickland, Bob Peterson and Larry Tibbs University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Special Thanks to Matt Hamlyn for permission to use the game board frame 4-H Parliamentary PROCEDURE
DO’s & DON’Ts
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 DO’s & DON’Ts JUST THE FACTS MOTIONS ORDER OF BUSINESS LET’S TALK ELECTIONS
1-100 This action uses this phrase: “The meeting will now come to order”
1-100A Call to Order $100
1-200 What is done after the minutes are approved?
1-200A Officer Reports $200
1-300 The term for ending the business meeting?
1-300A Adjournment $300
1-400 Put the following in the correct order: a)Unfinished businessUnfinished business b)Minutes read and approvedMinutes read and approved c)Committee reportsCommittee reports d)New businessNew business
1-400A B – C – A - D b)Minutes read and approved c)Committee reports a)Unfinished business d)New business $400
1-500 Who calls the meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice President?
1-500A Secretary $500
What is the term for the action used to consider an idea?
2-100A Motion $100
2-200 Before a member speaks they must first get this?
2-200A Recognition from the President $200
2-300 The secretary should stand when doing this?
2-300A Reading the Minutes $300
2-400 Better meetings will result if the President prepares one of these?
2-400A Agenda $400
2-500 This must be present in order for business to be conducted?
2-500A Quorum $500
What, when used properly, can improve a group’s ability to take orderly action?
3-100A Parliamentary Procedure $100
3-200 How many main motions should be “on the floor” at one time?
3-200A One $200
3-300 The treasurer’s report should never be accepted or approved unless the books have been what?
3-300A Audited $300
3-400 A 4-H Club can appoint one of these to help the group with parliamentary procedure?
3-400A Parliamentarian $400
3-500 What happens to a motion that requires a second but does not get one?
3-500A It is lost $500
These are an important part of the leadership team in the local 4-H club?
4-100A Club Officers $100
4-200 Officers should always be chosen by this?
4-200A Ballot $200
4-300 This is not needed for nominations from the floor?
4-300A Second $300
4-400 Name three ways nominations for an office can be made?
4-400A )From the floorFrom the floor 2)By petitionBy petition 3)By nominating committeeBy nominating committee $400
4-500 When the vote is by ballot, at what time does the president casts his/her vote?
4-500A With the rest of the membership $500
What are the first three words to use when making a motion?
5-100A “I move that…” $100
5-200 Who can make a motion?
5-200A Any member $200
5-300 What motion is used to change a main motion?
5-300A Amendment $300
5-400 Put the steps of making a main motion in order: a)second the motion b)discussion c)vote by the group d)initial motion is made
5-400A D – A – B – C d)initial motion is made a)second the motion b)discussion c)vote by the group $400
5-500 What if a voice vote on a motion is close?
5-500A A member can call for “Division” $500
What is the most used handbook about parliamentary procedure?
6-100A Robert’s Rules of Order $100
6-200 What is more than half the votes cast called?
6-200A Majority $200
6-300 What document contains a group’s rules of government?
6-300A Constitution and/or By-Laws $300
6-400 Name at least three forms of voting?
6-400A Voice Vote Show of Hands Rising Vote Ballot Role Call $400
6-500 Should the minutes of a meeting be approved by a motion and vote?
6-500A No. They stand approved as read (and corrected when necessary) $500
Final category The category is In Opposition Write down how much you want to wager
What is the correct acclamation for a negative voice vote?
“Nay” or “No” (The president may error by asking for “all those opposed to say aye” or “use the same sign”)
Daily Double Round 1 Double Question How much do you want to wager?