CS 170 Java Programming Introduce myself Introduce the class Teaching style and requirements What you expect from me What I expect from you What you will learn from this class How you can succeed from this class Questions and discussion Homework
Introduce Myself Background information: Educational background Teaching experience and expertise Office and lab hours What else?
Introduce to the Class
Teaching Style and Requirements Learn how to learn What, why, and how Flexible Minimum requirement labs Midterm A project and Final Extra credit (in-class exercises) Challenge Teamwork Creative thinking Independent study
How You Can Succeed in The Class Follow the instruction Plan ahead Participate discussion Hand in homework on-time Communication Teamwork Honesty You earn the grade, not I give you
What Do You Expect from Me?
Homework Follow the instructions in the last page of your text and Install Java Windows JDK from and TextPad from to your home computer Follow the instructions in p to setup the path in Environment Variables in the System To test, type the following command in DOS: javac then press the Enter key You may also type java –version to verify the Java version you installed