Scenario-Based Usability Engineering Chris North cs3724: HCI
Homework #0: UI Analysis See website Pick a movie of your choice Task: find a convenient playing time and location Use 3 different systems: TELL Write down the time it takes you for each Bring your times to class on Thursday
Homework #0 Qualitative discussion Usability problems, errors, access, alternate tasks, … Quantitative discussion Data averages, min, max Data visualization Statistics, t-tests, …
Myth The user interface is tacked on at the end of the project
The Changing Face of Computer Use 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s Professional programmers, “software psychology” Business professionals, mainframes, command-line Large, diverse user groups, “the computer for the rest of us” World Wide Web and more, information access & overload Ubiquitous computing, diversity in task, device, …
Newton vs. Palm Newton Palm
User Interface Metrics Ease of learning Ease of use User satisfaction Not “user friendly”
Tradeoffs Optimization? Examples Identify tradeoffs Choose based on design goals Track tradeoffs for rationale
Using “Scenarios” Marissa was not satisfied with her class today on gravitation and planetary motion. She is not certain whether smaller planets always move faster or how a larger or denser sun would alter the possibilities for solar systems. She stays after class to speak with Ms. Gould, but she isn’t able to pose these questions clearly, so Ms. Gould suggests that she re-read the text and promises more discussion tomorrow. Stories about people and their needs, activities A problem scenario describing current situation:
Marissa, a 10th-grade physics student, is studying gravity and its role in planetary motion. She goes to the virtual science lab and navigates to the gravity room. In the gravity room, she discovers two other students, Randy and David, already working with the Alternate Reality Kit, which allows students to alter various physical parameters (such as the universal gravitational constant) and then observe effects in a simulation world. The three students, each of whom is from a different school in the county, discuss possible experiments by typing messages from their respective personal computers. Together they build and analyze several solar systems, eventually focusing on the question of how comets can disrupt otherwise stable systems. They capture data from their experiments and display it with several visualization tools, then write a brief report of their experiments, sending it for comments to Don, another student in Marissa’s class, and Mr. Arkins, Randy’s physics teacher. A design scenario describing our initial vision:
Scenario Elements Setting Actors (people, users) Task goals (what I want to achieve) Plans (how I will accomplish it) Actions (do it) Events (system response) Evaluation(is that what I wanted?)
Advantages of Scenarios
Problem scenarios summative evaluation Information scenarios claims about current practice analysis of stakeholders, field studies Usability specifications Activity scenarios Interaction scenarios iterative analysis of usability claims and re-design metaphors, information technology, HCI theory, guidelines formative evaluation DESIGN ANALYZE PROTOTYPE & EVALUATE
Iterative Fuzzy -> clear
Iterative Fuzzy -> clear
Iterative Sometimes “design is radically transformational”
Summary Measurable Metrics! Tradeoffs Scenarios, elements Scenario-based UE process Iterative assignment: Download & install java sdk1.4, Borland JBuilder Read Ch 2
Presentations Groups of 2 5 minutes, 2-3 slides Pick UI of your choice (software or real-world) UI critique Scenarios/tasks Good Bad Redesign ideas? Vote: UI Hall of Fame/Shame
Fast Food Drive-Thru Menus Scenarios: College student hungry Get food, get out. FAST! Often: sandwich, fries, drink Typically: Not sure what I want Sometimes: Know what I want Passengers want food too Limited budget
The Good All in one view Organized by categories Tabular format: left alligned, prices alligned Combo meals (high frequency) Get price before proceeding Some: feedback on order Need picture!
The Bad See menu too late Passengers cant see menu Passengers must order thru driver Winter: brrrrr… Small Redesign ideas: More menus back in line Menu on both sides of car Microphone on both sides Radical: cell phone, in-car UI
The Ugly I can’t understand a word they say They cant hear me over my ’87 VW