1 Introduction to JADE presenter: Ji-Yu Li
2 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
3 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
4 Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) IEEE Computer Society standards organization A body for developing and setting computer software standards for heterogeneous and interacting agents and agent-based systems. Agent management Agent communication language (ACL) Integration agent and other computer software A software agent A piece of software that acts for a user or other program in a relationship of agency
5 FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents)
6 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
7 JADE JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) Framework aimed at developing multi-agent systems and applications conforming to FIPA standards for intelligent agents.
8 JADE The agent platform can be split among several hosts. Only one Java application(Main container) is executed on each host.
9 JADE Support to the execution of multiple, parallel and concurrent agent activities via the behaviour model.
10 JADE platform JADE is a middleware that facilitates the development of Multi Agent Peer-to-Peer applications. Full Java Runs on all JVM from J2EE to J2ME MIDP1.0 Downloadable from
12 Containers and Platforms
13 Containers and Platforms Each running instance of the JADE runtime environment is called a Container as it can contain several agents.
14 Containers and Platforms The set of active containers is called a Platform.
15 Containers and Platforms A single special Main container must always be active in a platform and all other containers register with it as soon as they start.
17 JADE Main container
18 JADE AMS (Agent Management System) Provides the naming service and represents the authority in the platform. DF (Directory Facilitator) Provides a Yellow Pages service by means of which an agent can find other agents providing the services he requires in order to achieve his goals. RMA(Remote Management Agent) Acting as graphical console for platform management and control.
19 Agent Management System (AMS)
20 Agent Management System Provides the naming service Ensures that each agent in the platform has a unique name Represents the authority in the platform To create/kill agents on remote containers by requesting that to the AMS
21 Directory Facilitator
22 Directory Facilitator Provides a Yellow Pages service by means of which an agent can find other agents providing the services he requires in order to achieve his goals.
23 DF Agent
24 Remote Monitoring Agent Provide the GUI to control agents’ lifecycle
25 Message Transport System Agent Communication Channel (ACC) Agent to Agent Agent Platform to Agent Platform
27 JADE Agent nickname platform_name
28 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
29 Install JDK Download J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 1.5 The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Command-line development tools, such as compilers and debuggers, that are necessary or useful for developing applets and applications
30 Install JDK step 1 downloads Web Site
31 Install JDK step 2 Select Java SE
32 Install JDK step 3 Download
33 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
35 JADE Package JADE-doc Document JADE-src Source Code JADE-bin Binary Code JADE-example Example Code
36 Download eclipse Eclipse - an open development platform Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle.
37 Download eclipse
38 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
46 jade.Boot 1 2 3
47 -gui 1 2 3
49 Outline Introduction Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) Running JADE Platform Install JDK 1.5 Install JADE Platform Run JADE Platform Run Agent on JADE Platform
50 Implementation 1.Import jade.core.Agent Library 2.setup() 初始化 agent ,向 AMS 註冊,此時狀態為 ACTIVE 3.addBehaviour() 加入 behaviours 到排程佇列,傳入的參 數為一個 Behaviour class 4.action() 定義 behaviour 中的行為 5.doDelete() 結束此 agent
51 Implementation import jade.core.Agent; import jade.core.behaviours.OneShotBehaviour; public class HelloAgent extends Agent { protected void setup() { addBehaviour(new InitBeha()); } class InitBeha extends OneShotBehaviour { public void action() { System.out.println(“Hello!"); doDelete(); }
55 -container -host :
57 End
58 Introduction to Agent presenter: Ji-Yu Li
59 Outline Behaviour Agent Communication Example Sniffer Agent Example 2
60 Behaviour The setup() method should add at least one behaviour to the agent. Every JADE agent is compose of a single execution thread and all its tasks are modeled and can be implemented as Behaviour objects. addBehavior(Behaviour) & removeBehaviour(Behaviour) allow to manage the ready tasks queue of an agent.
61 Behaviour class WakerBehaviour This abstract class implements a one-shot task that must be executed only once just after a given timeout is elapsed. class TickerBehaviour This abstract class implements a cyclic task that must be executed periodically.
63 Implementation OneShotBehaviour agent 只會執行一次 CyclicBehaviour agent 的會以輪詢的方式來執行 import jade.core.behaviours.OneShotBehaviour import jade.core.behaviours.CyclicBehaviour
65 SimpleBehaviour class SimpleBehaviour class OneShotBehaviour This abstract class models atomic behaviours that must be executed only once and cannot be blocked. So, its done() method always returns true. class CyclicBehaviour This abstract class models atomic behaviours that must be executed forever. So its done() method always returns false.
66 CompositeBehaviour class CompositeBehaviour class SequentialBehaviour This class is a CompositeBehaviour that executes its sub- behaviours sequentially and terminates when all sub- behaviours are done. class ParallelBehaviour This class is a CompositeBehaviour that executes its sub- behaviours concurrently and terminates when a particular condition on its sub-behaviours is met. class FSMBehaviour This class is a CompositeBehaviour that executes its children according to a Finite State Machine defined by the user.
67 Outline Behaviour Agent Communication Example Sniffer Agent Example 2
68 Agent Communication
69 Agent Communication sender of the message list of receivers communicative intention (or “performative”) content content language ontology some fields
70 Agent Communication Receiving Messages
71 Outline Behaviour Agent Communication Example Sniffer Agent Example 2
72 Example 寫兩支 Agent 於 JADE 上 : SenderAgent OneShotBehaviour 用 ACLMessage 傳送字串給 ReceiverAgent ReceiverAgent CyclicBehaviour 接收由 SenderAgent 傳送之字串並印出
73 Example
74 Sender
75 Receiver
76 Exmaple
77 Outline Behaviour Agent Communication Example Sniffer Agent Example 2
78 Sniffer
79 Sniffer
80 Sniffer
81 Outline Behaviour Agent Communication Example Sniffer Agent Example 2
82 Example 2 寫三支 agent Sender 送給 HelloAgent 字 串 ”Hello” , HelloAgent 會在執 行畫面上印出 sender 的名稱並 回傳 Hi 接著 SenderAgent 再傳送數字 給 MathAgent , MathAgen 收 到後再回傳從 1 加到該數字的 總和,並在 SenderAgent 端執 行畫面印出。
83 Arguments
84 SenderAgent
85 SenderAgent
86 SenderAgent
87 HelloAgent 寫三支 agent Sender 送給 HelloAgent 字 串 ”Hello” , HelloAgent 會在執 行畫面上印出 sender 的名稱並 回傳 Hi 接著 SenderAgent 再傳送數字 給 MathAgent , MathAgen 收 到後再回傳從 1 加到該數字的 總和,並在 SenderAgent 端執 行畫面印出。
88 HelloAgent
89 MathAgent 寫三支 agent Sender 送給 HelloAgent 字 串 ”Hello” , HelloAgent 會在執 行畫面上印出 sender 的名稱並 回傳 Hi 接著 SenderAgent 再傳送數字 給 MathAgent , MathAgen 收 到後再回傳從 1 加到該數字的 總和,並在 SenderAgent 端執 行畫面印出。 ※一樣要 do sniffer 觀察這三支 agent
90 MathAgent
91 Results SenderAgent HelloAgent MathAgent
92 Results
93 Sniffer Agent
94 Homework 寫兩支 Agent 互相溝通 (a) 輸入地點,查詢今日天氣預報 (b) 猜數字遊戲
95 End