Robert E. Lee High School INFORMATION
LHS Counselors A-DHeather Clark E-IAmy Velazquez J-MJamie Savage N-RKatie Hanks S-Z Tammy Dennison Collegiate Coach Naomi Dominguez ELL/SPED Maureena Benavides
Counselor Availability Counselors will be available before school, at lunch, and after school. You may also fill out a form which you can request to see a counselor through the counseling clerk, Ms. Montanez.
Attendance Policy Must be in attendance 90% of the time. Saturday School – doors are locked at 8:00 am. Must talk to A.P.’s to get signed up. There is a fee of $15. Must be enrolled in school to get your driver’s license and proof of enrollment is required by DPS. You may request these forms from Mrs. Bitner at the receptionist desk. Student must be present and have ID to receive proof of enrollment
Transcripts A transcript is a record of academic achievement. It contains all courses taken for high school credit, semester grades, rank, GPA (6 point and 4 point), graduation plan, test scores and demographic information. Transcripts are updated after semester grades are entered(January/June). Students can obtain an official copy of their transcript at the registrar’s office for $1.
Credits/Classification If you have… you are a…. 6 credits ~ Sophomore 12 credits ~ Junior 18 credits ~ Senior Students are reclassified at the beginning of the school year in August.
Graduation Programs DAP Recommended Program Academic Core Courses English4.0 Mathematics4.0 Science4.0 Social Studies4.0 Health.5 Speech (Communication Applications).5 Fine Arts1.0 Physical Education1.5 Technology Applications Elective Courses Component TOTAL UNITS OF CREDIT26.0 Language Other than English (LOTE) Advanced Measures 4
A student must achieve any combination of the following: Test data – a score of three or above on The College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examination Dual-Credit courses – a passing grade (A or B) each semester on courses that count for college credit, including tech prep programs
Sequence of Core Courses English Eng 1 Eng 2 Eng 3 Eng 4 Science Biology Chemistry Physics 4 th year science Math Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2 Pre-calculus GT IS Math Calculus Social Studies World Geography World History US History Govt & Eco
Dual Credit Great opportunity to earn both High School and College Credit simultaneously. Available to Juniors and Seniors Courses offered: Honors/GT/AP English 3 & English 4 English 3 & English 4 Finite Math/Business Math Honors/GT/AP Pre-Cal AP Calculus BC Honors Pre AP Spanish 3, & Honors AP Spanish 4 Honors Engineering Graphics (must qualify for Honors Mathematics) Welding/Auto Tech
TSI ACCUPLACER Before enrolling into college level courses Texas law states that you must take a placement test. The TSI Assessment is a computerized, adaptive test. SPECIAL NOTICE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 26, 2013, a Pre- Assessment Activity (PAA) is REQUIRED before you can take the TSI Assessment. The PAA can be found at assessment Please complete the PAA in order to be cleared to test. assessment
Various Programs National Honor Society To be considered for membership: students must be juniors or seniors, must have been in attendance at the inducting campus at least one semester, and have an overall grade point average of at least 4.5. Seniors who were not inducted as juniors must have the gpa requirement in the spring semester of their junior year.
Texas Scholars Recognition Program- an evening banquet where all Texas Scholars are recognized for their service to the community and will be given special cords to be worn at graduation. GPA of 2.75 on 6.0 Graduate on the Recommended or Distinguished plan Complete 20 hours of community service Service hours are due at the end of the 4 th 6wks of the senior year
Midland Legacy Scholarship Student must: Graduate with a 2.75 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Complete at least forty (40) hours of community service at an approved agency. ( Agency list may be found at Start community service hours until the summer AFTER their junior year. Turn in documentation of hours to the Financial Aid Office at Midland College beginning January 1 st of each year.
PSAT October 16 th (Wednesday) Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Wiebusch are sponsors of the PSAT club All Sophomores will take the test Could qualify for National Merit recognition as a Junior
SAT/ACT REMEMBER: If you are planning to attend a 4 year university, you need to register to take the SAT or ACT or BOTH this spring (SAT) (ACT) See your counselor for information!
Texas Academy of Math and Science University of North Texas The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) is an early college entrance program in which a student can complete their last two years of high school concurrently with the first two years of college at UNT. Applications for the TAMS 2013 Fall semester will be accepted through February 18, Admission criteria: competitive 10 th grade SAT, teacher evaluations, and 7 th through 10 th grade transcripts.
A START OF A GREAT YEAR AS A LEE REBEL!! For attendance, or any questions you may have contact: Sophomore Principal A-L: Jumon Hailey Sophomore Principal M-Z : Greg Devault Sophomore Attendance #: FAMILEE!!
FOUNDATION PLAN Creates one diploma with a variety of endorsements in 4 areas: STEM, Business & Industry, Public Services, and Arts & Humanities More flexibility FOUNDATION PLAN Creates one diploma with a variety of endorsements in 4 areas: STEM, Business & Industry, Public Services, and Arts & Humanities More flexibility TESTING Reduces # of EOCs from 15 to 5 English I, English II, algebra I, biology, US history Eliminates exams counting 15% of grade No cumulative score requirement TESTING Reduces # of EOCs from 15 to 5 English I, English II, algebra I, biology, US history Eliminates exams counting 15% of grade No cumulative score requirement ACCOUNTABILITY EVALUATES SCHOOLS ON MORE THAN JUST TEST SCORES: Academic Performance, Financial Performance, and Community and Student Engagement RATINGS WILL NOW BE A,B,C,D & F ACCOUNTABILITY EVALUATES SCHOOLS ON MORE THAN JUST TEST SCORES: Academic Performance, Financial Performance, and Community and Student Engagement RATINGS WILL NOW BE A,B,C,D & F