Introducing the networks and the Internet By Cody Gibbs
Protecting Computer Software and Data Virus Virus Trojan horse Trojan horse Antivirus programs Antivirus programs Crackers, Hackers Crackers, Hackers Phishing Phishing
The Ethical Responsibilities of the Web Developer Dynamic Pages Pages that link to databases to provide the user real-time information.
Careers Education requirements Education requirements Web Developer Web Developer Web Designer Web Designer Webmaster Webmaster Web Author Web Author
IT Departments and Companies Intranet Analysts Network administrator ISP Web Host
Pursuing an IT Career Careers: Careers: Media, Computer Arts, Computer Engineering, Computer Animation, ect. Many collages and universities are requiring students to submit an electronic portfolio as part of the admissions process. Many collages and universities are requiring students to submit an electronic portfolio as part of the admissions process.