The Quality Enhancement Plan Better known as the QEP
What is the QEP? Part of the reaffirmation process along with compliance certification Goal of enhancing the quality of higher education Focus is on student learning
What is the QEP? Our task is to design a “course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution.” SACS-COC’s Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation, August 2011 edition, page 39
QEP Steps—CVCC Timeline QEP StepDue Date Step one: Selecting the TopicMay 1, 2013 Step Two: Defining the Student Learning Outcomes October 1, 2013 Step Three: Researching the TopicNovember 15, 2013 Step Four: Identifying the Actions to be Implemented January 15, 2014 Step Five: Establishing the Timeline for Implementation February 15, 2014
QEP Steps—CVCC Timeline QEP StepDue Date Step Six: Organizing for SuccessMarch 15, 2014 Step Seven: Identifying Necessary ResourcesApril 1, 2014 Step Eight: Assessing Success of the QEPMay 15, 2014 Step Nine: Preparing for the QEP SubmissionJune 15, 2014 Report due 6 weeks before the SACS Fall 2014 visit between September 15, 2014 and November 13, 2014 August 1, 2014
Step One: Selecting the Topic Cynthia Lofaso and Rebecca Honeycutt co-chaired the committee that collected input from the college community regarding possible topics – Learning Resource Center – College Readiness Program – Reading, Writing, and Math Across the Curriculum
Selecting the Topic Improving the Learning Resource Center received the most interest CVCC Quality Enhancement Plan Topic Selection Survey Results Options1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice Rating Average Response Count Learning Resource Center College Readiness Program Reading, Writing, and Math Across the Curriculum answered question117 skipped question0
Choosing a “Target Group” For assessment purposes, we needed to select a specific target group to follow Core group collected and analyzed institutional data looking for a group of students who would benefit most from services at the Learning Resource Center QEP members also considered how focusing on this group would improve student learning across the disciplines Developmental English students were selected as our target group – VCCS Developmental English redesign began Spring 2013 – 68% of students taking the placement test received scores that placed them in developmental English
Expanding the QEP Committee Lana Velez, Co-Chair, Assistant Professor of English Cindy Wallin, Co-Chair, Associate Professor of Mathematics Will Sandidge, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services Joey Fronheiser, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning Kris Ogden, Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning Joy Adams, Student Success Center Coordinator Gary Randolph, Professor of English Kevin Riley, Student Services Coordinator Cynthia Lofaso, Associate Professor of Psychology Ernie Wade, Associate Professor of Economics Pat Gatti, Director of the Bedford Center Kimberly French, Academic Counselor (Retention)
Subcommittees Subcommittees will work on specific steps in the QEP process Assessment Joey Fronheiser Kris Ogden Budget Will Sandidge Literature Review Cynthia Lofaso Gary Randolph Lana Velez Liz Boothe Lorna Nelson
Subcommittees continued Marketing Kevin Riley Pat Gatti Researching Learning Resource Centers Joy Adams Ernie Wade Cindy Wallin Kimberly French
subcommittee! These committee members may be contacting YOU to serve on a subcommittee (Just say “Yes” if they ask; it makes things easier) These committee members may be contacting YOU to serve on a subcommittee (Just say “Yes” if they ask; it makes things easier)