Part-Of-Speech Tagging using Neural Networks Ankur Parikh LTRC IIIT Hyderabad
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Background and Motivation 3.Experimental Setup 4.Preprocessing5.Representation 6.Single-neuro tagger 7.Experiments 8.Multi-neuro tagger 9.Results10.Discussion 11.Future Work
Introduction POS-Tagging: POS-Tagging: It is the process of assigning the part of speech tag to the NL text based on both its definition and its context. Uses: Parsing of sentences, MT, IR, Word Sense disambiguation, Speech synthesis etc. Methods: 1. Statistical Approach 2. Rule Based
Background: Previous Approaches Lots of work has been done using various machine learning algorithms like TNT TNT CRF CRF for Hindi. Trade-off: Performance versus Training time - Less precision affects later stages - For a new domain or new corpus parameter tuning is a non-trivial task.
Background: Previous Approaches & Motivation Empirically chosen context. Effective Handling of corpus based features Need of the hour: - Good performance - Less training time - Multiple contexts - exploit corpus based features effectively Two Approaches and their comparison with TNT and CRF Word level tagging
Experimental Setup : Corpus statitstics Tag set of 25 tags Tag set of 25 tags Corpus Size (in words) Unseen words (in percentage) Training187,095- Development23, % Testing23, %
Experimental Setup: Tools and Resources Tools - CRF++ - TNT - Morfessor Categories – MAP Resources - Universal word – Hindi Dictionary - Hindi Word net - Morph Analyzer
Preprocessing XC tag is removed (Gadde et. Al., 2008). Lexicon - For each unique word w of the training corpus => ENTRY(t1,……,t24) - where tj = c(posj, w) / c(w)
Representation: Encoding & Decoding Each word w is encoded as an n-element vector INPUT(t1,t2,…,tn) where n = size of the tag set. INPUT(t1,t2,…,tn) comes from lexicon if training corpus contains w. If w is not in the training corpus - N(w) = Number of possible POS tags for w - tj = 1/N(w) if posj is a candidate = 0 otherwise = 0 otherwise
Representation: Encoding & Decoding For each word w, Desired Output is encoded as D = (d1,d2,….,dn). - dj = 1 if posj is a desired ouput = 0 otherwise = 0 otherwise In testing, for each word w, an n-element vector OUTPUT(o1,…,on) is returned. - Result = posj, if oj = max(OUTPUT)
Single – neuro tagger: Structure
Single – neuro tagger: Training & Tagging Error Back-propagation learning Algorithm Weights are Initialized with Random values Sequential mode Momentum term Eta = 0.4 and Alpha = 0.1 In tagging, it can give multiple outputs or a sorted list of all tags.
Experiments: Development Data FeaturesPrecision Corpus based and contextual 93.19% Root of the word 93.38% Length of the word 94.04% Handling of unseen words Root->Dictionary->Word net->Morfessor {tj = c(posj,s) + c(posj,p)/ c(s) + c(p)} 95.62%
Development of the system
Multi – neuro tagger: Structure
Multi – neuro tagger: Training
Multi – neuro tagger: Learning curves
Multi – neuro tagger: Results StructureContextDevelopmentTest %91.87% _prev95.64%92.05% _next95.66%91.95% %92.15% _prev95.56%92.14% _next95.54%92.14% %92.07%
Multi – neuro tagger: Comparison Precision after voting : 92.19% TaggerDevelopmentTest Training Time TNT95.18%91.58% 1-2 (Seconds) Multi – neuro tagger 95.78%92.19% (Minutes) CRF96.05%92.92%2-2.5(Hours)
Conclusion Single versus Multi-neuro tagger Multi-neuro tagger versus TNT and CRF Corpus and Dictionary based features More parameters need to be tuned 24^5 = 79,62,624 n-grams, while 250,560 weights Well suited for Indian Languages
Future Work Better voting schemes (Confidence point based) Finding the right context (Probability based) Various Structures and algorithms - Sequential Neural Network - Convolution Neural Network - Combination with SVM
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