December 10, 2008
Vclass Basics – Tutorial Tekchako Lakes Website Tour Eoin Colfer Interview School websites Transforming Teaching Vclasses Tekwiki Basics – Tutorial o Strategies and Tips wiki page MWSnap and other things anyone can share The Tech Teacher FirstClass conference and calendar Organizing Tech Topics for Vclass sessions ISTE Technology Standards for Teachers Technology Equipment and Users list Computer Using Educators of B.C. discussion
Topics Scheduling How to Use Vclass Jing Video capture Adapting games and activities to use online or on a smartboard Navigating Excel and Word Powerpoint Photoshop Digital Photography Green screen digital video DVD Creation/burning Smartboard - creating lessons and the basics Blogs, wikis and podcasts Engaging students in learning with technology - pedagogy Web page creation and organization Technology and literacy Primary students and technology integration Intermediate students and technology integration High students and technology integration Teacher Tech productivity software KidPix Quia - online games and puzzles for teachers Online drill and practice activities Riverdeep - Destination Reading/Math FirstClass tips
Scratch: Snap together programming to create stories, games and animations and share them with friends anywhere in the world Photostory 3: Create an animated narrated story with your own photos or with images found on the web Microsoft Learning Essentials: Templates and tutorials for Microsoft Office applications for students and teachers. Riverdeep: High quality online reading and math programs with the ability to create tailored activities and tests to specific students or for your entire class. Audacity: Simple and powerful audio file editing software for podcasts
ext This slideshow and links will be posted on the Tekchako Lakes Wiki here