Welcome to LEx: How to Participate in Lex eLearning Courses
The Platform Lex is IntraHealth’s eLearning platform. You can log into LEx at lex.intrahealth.orglex.intrahealth.org. You can also find a link to LEx from SharePoint.
LEx Home Page The LEx home page looks like this:
Logging Into LEx You can find the log-in link on the upper right. Click to log in.
Your Username and Password When you log into LEx you’ll be asked for your username and password. Your username is the part of your IntraHealth address before the In the address “hvalli” is the username. Your password is the same as the password used on SharePoint and your IntraHealth account.
The Log-in Page The log-in page looks like this. If you have trouble logging in, you can click on “Yes, help me log in” and a LEx admin will assist you.
Use the Link to Access the Course The instructors may have sent you a link to the course. If you don’t have it, go to “IntraHealth and HRH GRC-Produced Courses” on the LEx home page and select your course title.
LEx Help At any point throughout your course, you can contact for help in navigating the eLearning software. Please keep in mind that the LEx administrators may be in a different time zone, and therefore might not be able to answer your question