Composition Terminology The basics of good writing
Composition Terminology Thesis – a sentence with a subject and opinion (or analysis). Found at end of introduction. Topic Sentence (T)– 1st sentence of body paragraph. Must have subject and opinion/commentary for the paragraph. (mini-thesis) Background (B) – 1-2 sentences that gives the speaker of the quote as well as preliminary explanations of the topic to put the quote in context. (What was happening at the time?) Evidence – (E) – concrete details, specific facts, examples, quotes that form the backbone of your body paragraphs. (This is your proof.)
Thesis Identification Practice Yes No ____ Today the cafeteria is serving the most disgusting food I’ve ever seen. ____ Today the cafeteria is serving pizza. ____ My high school is the best one around. ____ I have gone to Cordova High for three years. ____ My bedroom is a pigsty. ____ School is a cool place to be. ____ We must take four years of English to graduate. ____ I hate going to the mall for Christmas shopping.
Composition Terminology cont’d Analysis (A) – your commentary, opinion, or interpretation about something. Gives meaning to the quote, not just a restatement of the quote. (What does the evidence tell us about the character?) Chunk – ONE sentence of evidence and TWO of analysis. The smallest unified group of thoughts you can write. (1 E: 2 A) Return to thesis (R) – Concluding sentence. Last sentence in a body paragraph. It is ALL commentary and comes back to the main idea your paper or paragraph is trying to prove.
Composition Terminology cont’d Introduction – 1st paragraph in an essay. Minimum 3 sentences and 40 words. Body paragraph – middle paragraph of an essay. Develops a point you want to make that supports your thesis. Minimum 8 sentences and 100 words. Conclusion – last paragraph in essay. Sum up ideas, reflect on what you said. Gives essay a finished feeling. All commentary, NO concrete details. Restates thesis in different words.
Paragraph Format - TBEAR One chunk T B/E (For example, for instance, after all, specifically, as an illustration…) A (This shows that, this is important because, this is because, this proves that, what this shows is, this draws attention to the fact…) A R (As a result, Overall, consequently, in short, in sum, hence, thus, therefore, in conclusion) Two chunk T B/E (For example, for instance, after all, specifically, as an illustration…) A B/E (In addition, also, furthermore, similarly, likewise, however, in contrast, on the other hand) R (As a result, Overall, consequently, in short, in sum, hence, thus, therefore, in conclusion)
The Quotation “Sandwich” Quotations need to be properly embedded in a paragraph. They need to be “sandwiched” between background and analysis (commentary)
Varying the paragraph structure To make the format less formulaic, you can vary the structure of your composition components. To sophisticate your writing, surround the facts (E) with analysis. (Quotation sandwich) T A B/E R T B/E A R Either format is acceptable Analysis Fact/Quote Analysis
T – In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry is a champion to many of the more insecure students at Hogwarts. A – He cannot stand someone who picks on others. E – For example, when Malfoy takes Neville’s Rememberall, Harry gets it back. A - (This is important because) He is now a hero to the less fortunate. R - (As a result) He has found a place where he belongs and wants to protect the vulnerable.
Composition Improving your Analysis Football is a fun sport. For example, we get to play in front of lots of people. This shows that it’s fun to do that. This is important because I like to play in front of a crowd a lot. As a result, I have a good time. What’s wrong with this analysis? The analysis is redundant.
Composition A Better example Football is a fun sport. For example, we get to play in front of lots of people. This is important because I like the feeling of having my friends and classmates cheering me on. This is because it’s exciting when the crowd encourages us to do our best to win. As a result I can really get into the game.
Composition Improving your Analysis I like camping more than anything. For example, the air is clean and clear. This shows that there isn’t any smog up in the mountains. This is important because there isn’t the usual brown haze in the sky that I see most days. As a result I like camping. What’s wrong with this analysis? The analysis is really more evidence. The return to thesis (concluding sentence) is redundant.
Composition A Better Example I like camping more than anything. For example, the air is clean and clear. This shows that being in the woods can be good for your health. This is important because it feels good to breath it after the smog of Los Angeles. As a result my lungs always feel healthier after some time in the mountains.
Sample Quotation Sandwich 1 chunk paragraph In Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game,” the main character Rainsford has no compassion for the animals he hunts. He feels that because they are inferior to humans, they deserve no sympathy. For example, when his friend Whitney tries to convince him that animals have no sense of fear, Rainsford dismisses this notion saying, “This hot weather is making you soft…Be a realist. The world is made up of two classes – the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are hunters” (Connell 17). He murders animals without giving it a second thought. In his mind, his position in the animal kingdom justifies his behavior. According to Rainsford animals are not capable of feeling emotions, therefore he refuses to feel for them. ________________________________________ _____________________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________