The Water Framework Directive Farming Responding to the Challenge Thomas Ryan, Environment & Infrastructure Executive Tuesday, 2 nd September 2008
~ Overview ~ IFA Structure Agri- Environmental Legislation Water Quality in Ireland The Role of Farming & the WFD
~ IFA Structure ~ 945 Branches 29 County Executives 13 National Committees 5 Project Teams (Water) 85,000 Farmer Subscribers 12 Regional Offices HQ Executives 20 Brussels 1 Executive General Secretary Executive Council 53 Members Executive Board 8 Members (6 dir. elected) President
~ Live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Farm as if you are going to live forever ~ Bernard Llewellyn, 2007
groundwater surface water Agriculture Agri - Environmental Legislation Kyoto protocol→ Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution National Emission Ceiling Directive IPPC -Directive CLRTAP-Gothenborg Protocol Air Quality Directives ←Cross Compliance ← Animal welfare ← Rural Development ← Soil Strategy ← Birds and habitats directives ↑Nitrates Directive ↑Water Framework Directive ↑Groundwater Directive ↑Nitrates Directive ↑Water Framework Directive
~ Implementation of WFD ~ Ireland has implemented over 96% of the administrative requirements of the Directive (EU average 78%) Ireland has over 75% of the initial characterisation work completed (EU average 64%) EU Commission Report on WFD Implementation (March 2007)
~ Water Quality in Ireland ~ 90% of rivers and streams are unpolluted or slightly polluted 92% of lakes are unpolluted 36% estuarine and coastal waters unpolluted 85% of Fish Kills due to NON agricultural sources Water Quality in Ireland (EPA)
~ Public Water Supplies – Enforcements by EPA ~ 0.5% all boil notices due to Nitrates in water 5.0% of notifications to EPA due to Nitrates 20% of directions issued by the EPA due to Nitrates. The Provision & Quality of Drinking Water in Ireland (EPA)
~ Fertilizer N use in Ireland ~ ,000 tonne decrease (-22%) Value €78 million Spend of €1.1bn to comply with the capital investment requirements of the Nitrates Regulations
~ Agriculture & WFD ~ Water Matters Have Your Say ! –Causes of Water Problems Eutrophication Organic Pollution from animal slurry/manure and silage effluent. –Controls in Place 2006 Nitrates Action Programme REPS – 65,000 farmers (Target) Inspections – DAF, DEHLG, EPA, Local Authorities and Fisheries Boards Cross Compliance – GAEC + SMR’s
Controls are adequate to protect most waters subject to enforcement. Sean O Breasail, SWRBD, Water Conference 2 nd October 2007 ~ Agriculture & WFD ~
Future Action Agricultural Mini- Catchment Programme –Stakeholders Farmers, Department of the Environment, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Teagasc. –Key objectives of this Programme are: To establish baseline information on farming and the Nitrates Directive (and the Water Framework Directive), To scientifically evaluate the effectiveness of the Nitrates National Action Programme (NAP) measures, & To provide a basis for modification of the NAP measures, if necessary. ~ Agriculture & WFD ~
Future Action Supplementary Measures – Premature A similar programme should be developed for industrial and other service sectors: to monitor discharges and the impact on water quality, in particular the contribution to the nutrient load. ~ Agriculture & WFD ~
~ Water Matters Have Your Say! ~ 1Additional Challenges Leisure activities such as boating and recreation on rivers and lakes Waste Water and Industrial Discharges Road Building where there is no adequate drainage and water quality monitoring Lack of coherent town planning to allow for storm water and discharge management. Lack of monitoring of discharges by large ships and transporters
~ Water Matters Have Your Say! ~ 2.Actions – Water Management Water-Charging Livestock do not require ultrvoilet & chlorinated treated water. Livestock rate will reflect the water requirements of livestock. Water Conservation & Farm Improvements Re-opening the Farm Improvement Scheme – Comply with Nitrates Requirements A water harvesting scheme. Improved feed-in tariff price for the production of renewable energy by anaerobic digestion.
~ Water Matters Have Your Say! ~ 2.Actions – Water Management Water Quality Inspections Present level of bureaucratic gazing excessive. The Department of Agriculture and Food will be responsible for carrying out compliance checks each year.. Nitrates Action Programme
~ Water Matters Have Your Say! ~ 3.Waste Water & Licensed Discharges The EPA and Local Authorities issue over 2,000 discharge licenses. These discharges can result in increased eutrophication of waters and contamination of soils. IFA seek Detailed study of the vulnerability of ground water and general water quality from licensed discharges A prudent approach to the location of new housing in rural Ireland for members of farm families, particularly where adequate sewage and wastewater systems are installed. Funding to be made available to rural dwellers who wish to improve and upgrade their existing sewage facilities.
~ Water Matters Have Your Say! ~ 4.Physical Modification National River Maintenance Management Programme
~ Conclusion~ Ireland’s Water Quality is of a High Standard Agriculture Adequately regulated & supplementary measures unnecessary. Participating in Sector Specific Mini-Catchment Study. Water Charging Policy must reflect Need. Re-open farm improvement scheme. Streamline Inspection Regime. Water-harvesting
~ Conclusion~ Other Sectors Mini Catchment Studies? Estuary Pollution ? Impact of Discharge Licenses on Water Quality? N & P Load
International Conference on EU Water Framework Directive in Dublin