Changes in Floods and Droughts in an Elevated CO 2 Climate Anthony M. DeAngelis Dr. Anthony J. Broccoli
Outline of Presentation Introduction and Motivation for Research Model Changes in Floods/ Droughts Scaling Factor Hypothesis Conclusions Future Research References
Importance of Research Floods and droughts are major climatic events that can significantly impact human life and property. Previous research has suggested that the frequency of these events has changed over the past century. The frequency of floods and droughts may continue to change in a warmer climate over the United States.
Projected Changes in Precipitation Extremes Frequency of Dry Days Frequency of 95 th percentile events Anomalies in days/year. Diffenbaugh et al. 2005, RegCM3, Resolution: 25 km
Our Climate Model CM2.1 Developed at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Resolution: 2° latitude by 2.5° longitude.
Our Data CM2.1U_Control-1860_D4 = Control data. Coupled (atmosphere + land) and (ocean + sea ice) model with forcing agents consistent with CM2.1U-D4_1PctTo4X_J1 = Elevated CO 2 data. Increases CO 2 from 1860 levels by 1% per year to quadrupling, then holds CO 2 constant.
Using P-E Instead of studying precipitation alone, we study precipitation minus evaporation (P- E). The negative feedback between soil moisture and surface evaporation affects our results. As evaporation increases, soil moisture decreases, and reduces the availability of water in the soil. Thus, evaporation increases slow or cease.
Assessing Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events in Elevated CO 2 Climate Calculate 1 st and 99 th P-E percentiles for control and elevated CO 2 data for each location. Calculate changes in frequencies of 99 th P-E percentile events between control and elevated CO 2 data. Calculate changes in 99 th P-E percentile values between control and elevated CO 2 data.
Assessing Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events in Elevated CO 2 Climate We look at changes in >99 th percentile P-E events of period lengths 1 and 7 days to assess changes in short and long term floods. We look at changes in <1 st percentile P-E events for period lengths 90 and 360 days to assess changes in short and long term droughts.
Results: Changes in >99 th Percentile Frequencies (Floods) Annual, 1 Day:Summer, 1 Day:Winter, 1 Day: Annual, 7 Day:Summer, 7 Day:Winter, 7 Day: Percent Changes in >99 th percentile P-E frequencies ranging from -100 (blue) to 100 (red):
Results: Changes in <1 st Percentile Frequencies (Droughts) Annual, 90 Day:Summer, 90 Day:Winter, 90 Day: Annual, 360 Day: Percent Changes in <1 st percentile P-E frequencies ranging from -100 (blue) to 100 (red):
Results: Comparison of Mean Changes with Upper Percentile Changes Mean, Annual: Mean, Summer: Mean, Winter: 99 th, Annual, 1 Day: 99 th, Summer, 1 Day: 99 th, Winter, 1 Day: Mean P-E changes between control and elevated CO2 data: Ranging from -0.5 (blue) to 0.5 (red). 99 th Percentile daily P-E changes: Ranging from -10 (blue) to 10 (red). Units in mm/day.
Agreement with Previous Research Diffenbaugh et al RegCM3 model (CO 2 from A2 scenario) Resolution: 25 km, Entire US Increases in annual >95 th percentile precipitation events across east and northwest US. Increases in annual mean precipitation across eastern US. Similar patterns in direction of mean and precipitation extreme anomalies.
Agreement with Previous Research Leung et al PCM model (Doubling CO2 from ) Resolution: 40 km, Western US Increases in winter 95 th percentile precipitation values across parts of the northwestern US. Decreases in winter mean precipitation across the western US.
Why does extreme precipitation change? Our hypothesis: An intensification of the hydrologic cycle only. Warmer temperatures Increased evaporation Increased water vapor Heavier precipitation in areas and time periods of convergence Increased droughts in areas and time periods of dry weather. Scaling the hydrologic cycle by a constant factor may explain the changes.
Testing Our Hypothesis Multiply control data by constant scaling factor of (globally and time averaged percent increase in precipitation and evaporation between control and quadrupled CO 2 climate). Perform Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) and Kuiper (KP) statistical tests on distributions of scaled control and elevated CO 2 data for all locations.
Testing Our Hypothesis Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (KS) Yields D value: The maximum distance between cumulative distribution functions of scaled control and elevated CO 2 data. Yields Probability: Ranging from 0 to 1 where small values show that the cumulative distribution functions of both data sets are significantly different.
Testing Our Hypothesis Kuiper’s Statistic (KP) Variant on Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic Yields V value: Sum of the absolute value of maximum negative and positive distances between the cumulative distribution functions of the scaled control and elevated CO 2 data. Yields Probability: Same as for KS statistic.
KS and KP Statistical Test Results for P- E 1 Day Annual Data Scaled control and elevated CO 2 distribution tested. Probability values ranging from 0 (blue) to 1 (red). KS TestKP Test ALL probabilities near 0
Annual Statistical Test Results for All Period Lengths The KS test yields an overall lowest D value of about , corresponding to a probability of The KP test yields an overall lowest V value of above 0.012, corresponding to a probability below These low probabilities indicate that the cumulative distribution functions between the scaled control and elevated CO 2 data are different for all locations and all period lengths (1, 2, 3, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360 days).
Improvements in KS Test D Values and KP Test V Values After Scaling KS, 1 Day: KS, 30 Day: KS, 90 Day: KP, 1 Day: KP, 30 Day: KP, 90 Day: Change in D before and after scaling. ∆D values ranging from (blue) to 0.05 (red). Positive values (yellow, orange, red) indicate improvement.
Comparison of Changes in 99 th Percentile Before and After Scaling 99 th, Annual, 1 Day: 99 th, Annual 1 Day: 99 th, Annual, 90 Day: Absolute changes in P-E annual data: Ranging from -10 (blue) to 10 (red) in 1 day and from -2 (blue) to 2 (red) in 90 day. Units in mm/day. Between Control and Elevated CO 2 Between Scaled Control and Elevated CO 2
Does Using a Higher Scaling Factor Yield Better Results? Increasing the scaling factor improves agreement in cumulative distribution functions for many locations. However, the improvement is not significant enough to conclude that the scaled control and elevated CO 2 distributions come from the same population.
Does Scaling Precipitation Alone Yield Better Results? Scaling precipitation alone and comparing its cumulative distribution function with that of the elevated CO 2 data gives higher probabilities. However, these probabilities are still close to zero, even when scaling factors are increased beyond
Conclusions Frequency of floods increases across the north and east annually and in summer, and nearly everywhere in winter. Frequency of droughts increases in east annually and in summer, and decreases in winter. With the exception of a few regions, the direction of mean change is overall similar to the direction of upper percentile changes.
Conclusions Magnitude of mean increases are significantly smaller than those of upper percentiles. Cumulative Distribution functions between scaled control and elevated CO2 data are different for all locations. Increasing scaling factors and performing the analysis on precipitation alone improves distribution agreement, but not significantly.
Conclusions It appears that one reason for the large differences in cumulative distribution functions is the inability for the scaling factor to account for the large absolute increases in upper P-E percentiles (99 th ) between the control and elevated CO2 data.
Future Research We seek to further understand how the scaled control distributions differ from the elevated CO 2 distributions. If a simple linear scaling of the hydrological cycle alone cannot explain changes in extreme precipitation in a warmer climate, what can?
References Diffenbaugh NS, Pal JS, Trapp RJ, et al., 2005: Fine-scale processes regulate the response of extreme events to global climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102, Leung LR, Qian Y, Bian XD, et al., 2004: Mid-century ensemble regional climate change scenarios for the western United States. Climatic Change, 62,