Sleep Deprivation and Exercise Michelle, Hannah, Eliza, and Eliana
Later start time Teens have trouble falling asleep before 11pm Their deepest sleep point is around 7am After or the time that most teens wake up for school
Early Morning Classes Test showed that students who were assigned early morning classes didn’t perform as well Their grades were lower overall compared to students in classes with later start times
What happens when you don’t sleep? Sleep Deprivation links to… Depression, suicide thoughts, weight gain, risky behavior in teens Teens who drive/walk to school without enough sleep or while its dark are more likely to have accidents
Tendency to get up later until age 19.5 in women and 21 in men At this point they start waking up earlier again By the age of you are waking up the same time you were at the age of 10
Exercise and the Brain
Chemicals Roles Serotonin: lifts mood Epinephrine: response to stress/ fear Dopamine: signals pleasure and makes you happy Endorphin: bodies natural pain killer
Why exercise is necessary Increases blood calcium which stimulates dopamine production and uptake in your brain Helps produce serotonin/ epinephrine/ dopamine/ endorphin These chemicals can help students by lifting their mood, keep them active and healthy, and give them a break from academic classes like science, history, language arts, math, etc.
Breaks from academic classes Down time and breaks from classes like math or history help reinforce new connections of new things you’ve learned that day That is why we have gym class for 4 th period- to help strengthen things you learned in the first 3 periods It is important to support these new memories so breaks are important
Gym class every day Gym is a good way of exercise Exercise elevates mood by producing the chemicals we just mentioned It is necessary for Middle school students to have a good mood because if they didn’t they could get stressed and stress has a negative impact on the brain
Updated Schedule
With our new schedule… Classes will start two hours later because the teen brain stops developing melatonin later than adult brains which makes them tired and less focused in the morning Gym class everyday before lunch so students get daily exercise School ends at 4:10 PM, still leaving enough time for an after school activity
Sources are-happier-than-night-owls-are-you-a-morning-person/question /?link=ibaf&imgurl= w/s1600/cranky-early-morning.jpg&q=person waking+up+baby"> person waking+up+baby pics on Sodahead</a
Sources US:official&channel=fflb&biw=1143&bih=853&tbm=isch&tbnid=fzWDCgAaOazEiM:&imgrefurl= brain.html&docid=rvmRIyhH0HjG5M&imgurl= ACE/QVvnRVrt5X8/s1600/brain_cross.jpg&w=500&h=367&ei=YpOpUMuZJo2O0QGb2oDIDA&zoom=1&iact=rc& dur=395&sig= &page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=186&start=0&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:1 05&tx=97&ty=98
THE END By Hannah Eliza Eliana and Michelle