facebook AC/DC- Is preparing for the 31 st anniversary of Bon Scott’s death. Rest In Peace Bon! You’ll always be remembered! WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosAC/DCLogout View photos of AC/DC Send AC/DC a message AC/DC Website ( Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Write something… Share Information Friends Genre(s)::Rock Members: Bon Scott, Cliff Williams Brian Johnson, Angus young, and Phil Rudd Hometown: Sydney Australia Record Label: Atlantic Current Location: Australia Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Photo Here AC/DC- Hello World! What is your favorite AC/DC song? Brandon Timm- My favorite AC/DC song is “Thunderstruck” AC/DC- Oh that was our favorite song from “The Razors Edge” in We love the fast tempo and the increasingly loud intro. The excited mood adds to it too. Brandon Timm- It really does! I heard that it was about Angus being in a plane that was struck by lightning! Is that true? AC/DC- Yes. It is shown when we say “ You’ve been Thunderstruck.” The song also started from a trick Angus learned on his guitar! Steven Tyler Rick Savage Pete Willis Tony KenningMetallica )
Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Videos Detailed Information Basic Information Genre(s): Rock Members: Bon Scott, Phil Rudd, Angus Young, Cliff Williams and Brian Johnso Instruments Played: Bon –Vocals, Phil-Drums, Angus –Guitar, Brian-Vocals Cliff- Bass Hometown: Sydney,Australia Record Label: Atlantic Records Current Location: Australia Formed:1973 Disbanded: Not Disbanded Band Member Biography: Bon (Born July 6,1946, Died February 19,1980 of alcohol poisoning, Phil(Born May 19,1954,) Brian( Born October 5, 1947), Cliff( Born December 14, 1949), Angus( Born March 31, 1955) Hit Albums/Years: High Voltage 1976, If you Want Blood You’ve Got It 1978, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1981 Hit Songs/Years: Thuderstruck 1990, Back in Black 1980 Awards/Achievements: Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame Fun Facts: Hard Partiers, Bon had a criminal record Contact Information Official Band Website: Citations For Research:”AC/DC.” Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Inc. n.d. Web. 25 Jan “Thunderstruck by AC/DC.” Song Facts. N.p., N.d. Web 25 Jan Rose, Phil. Stason. N.p., 21 Oct Web. 30 Jan support-acts-for-AC-DC.html>. support-acts-for-AC-DC.html Information Friends Genre(s):: Rock Members:: Bon Scott, Phil Rudd, Angus Young, Cliff Williams and Brian Johnson Hometown: Sydney, Australia Record Label: Atlantic Current Location: Australia Photo Here AC/DC- Is preparing for the 31 st anniversary of Bon Scott’s death. Rest In Peace Bon! You’ll always be remembered facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosAC/DCLogout Steven Tyler Rick Savage Pete Willis Tony KenningMetallica View photos of AC/DC Send AC/DC a message AC/DC Website ( )
Wall Info PhotosSongs/Videos AC/DC- Is preparing for the 31 st anniversary of Bon Scott’s death. Rest In Peace Bon! You’ll always be remembered facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosAC/DCLogout Photos of Artist/Band Artist/Band’s Albums Photo Here Bon ScottPhil RuddAngus YoungCliff WIlliamsBrian Johnson
Featured Video facebook WallInfoPhotosSongs/VideosAC/DCLogout Wall InfoPhotosSongs/Video Featured Songs Photo Here AC/DC- Is preparing for the 31 st anniversary of Bon Scott’s death. Rest In Peace Bon! You’ll always be remembered Reasoning Back in Black Thunderstruck Schlesinger, Ethan. Pop Rock: AC/DC. Broomall,PA: Mason Crest Publishers, 2008 Print. Paraire, Phillipe. 50 Years of Rock Music. New York, NY: W and R Chambers Ltd., Print. Additional Citations I chose AC/DC because they are one of the most famous rock bands of all time. I really like all of their music.