Where in the world would you go Marty Absher
Cities Charlotte, NC I never go here much. Carowinds Charlotte Coliseum
Cities Mt. Fuji, Japan I’ve always wanted to see the blossoms from the cherry trees. Mount Fuji Jazz Festival Mt fuji Lake
Cities Yorkshire, U.K. It would be interesting to see the forms of architecture from different eras of time Historic buildings and sites
Cities Sydney, Australia I would like to see the opera house, and also visit the beaches quite often. Sydney Harbour National Park Beaches
Cities New York, New york I want to know what city life is really like; and if it’s the same as on TV. Central Park Metropolitan Museum of Art Brooklyn Bridge
Cost DollarsCMYSN CN/A M1898N/A Y N/A S N/A2595 N N/A
Brute Force method – Takes longer, but will get you the best route. Also, it is only practical for up to a certain amount of vertices CSMYNC = $4865
c Y N S M Repetitive nearest neighbor – is faster, but might not get you the absolute best way CNYMSC YNCSMY NCSMYN SMYNCS MYNCSM CNYMSC = $4865
Cheapest Link – You use a cheap route, but there could be a cheaper one. c Y N S M 245y 759y 957y 1097y 1495n 1597n 1807y 1898n 2095n 2597n CNYMSC = $4865
Kruskal– It is cheapest, but it can’t be done c Y N S M CNYMSC = $3058
Distance milesCMYSN CN/A M N/A Y N/A S N/A N N/A
Brute Force method – Takes longer, but will get you the best route. Also, it is only practical for up to a certain amount of vertices CSMYNC = miles
c Y N S M Repetitive nearest neighbor – fast flight, but might not be the fastest CNYMSC = miles CNYMSC YNCSMY NCSMYN SMYNCS MYNCSM
Cheapest Link – You use the shortest individual paths as possible, but still might not get the shortest overall c Y N S M CNYMSC = miles
Kruskal– is the shortest network to all places, but it isn't possible c Y N S M CNYMSC = miles
Calendar Start Destination End Destination Date/timeDistanceCost CharlotteSydney2/1 12:34 a.m $1807 SydneyMt Fuji2/7 10:46 a.m $1097 Mt FujiYorkshire2/13 8:25 a.m $957 YorkshireNew York (NYC) 2/19 6:17 a.m $759 New YorkCharlotte2/25 9:15 p.m $245