Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Data Processing Workshop CAPI Supervisor’s Menu System MICS Data Processing Workshop
Monitoring Fieldwork With The Tablet/PDA Many of the tasks of monitoring and supervising the fieldwork of the team are monitored with the use of the Tablets/PDA
Monitoring Fieldwork With The Tablet/PDA Updating the sample information, if necessary Recording summary information about the data collected in the Cluster Assigning households to interviewers Receiving collected data from interviewers Checking the work completed by the interviewer Reviewing household and individual questionnaires Reviewing interviewer’s notes concerning the data collected
Monitoring Fieldwork With The Tablet/PDA Reinterviewing households for the household schedule Entering the GPS coordinate data for the Cluster Closing the Cluster Preparing the data files to be sent to the central office. Applying upgrades to the programs received from the central office Sending upgrades to the interviewer’s Tablets
Supervisor’s Menu The PDA program for the supervisor’s menu operates in a similar manner to the interviewer’s menu To start the supervisor’s menu, click Start, MICS5. (on Tablet/ PDA) This will be followed by screens for: –the supervisor’s code (supervisor number), –the interviewer’s code (the number of the interviewer for whom supervisors want to receive or review their data) –the PSU in which team is working
Starting The Supervisors's Menu Before starting supervisors activities the tablet needs certain information including, supervisor’s code and code of the cluster in which he/she is working. Complete this information at the start of the day, before arriving at the household to avoid causing a delay in starting the questionnaire.
Description of the Supervisor’s Menu
Option 1: Activities to control the sample This option leads to a sub-menu offering 3 options: –Review the sample control file –Assign households for the cluster –Send household assignments to interviewers
Option 1: Activities to control the sample Review the sample control file –Selecting this option will display the screen showing the household number, assigned interviewer number (0=not assigned), and a series of 0/1 indicators that show whether the household questionnaire, women’s questionnaires, men’s and under-5 questionnaires have been accepted (0=Not accepted, 1=Accepted).
Option 1: Activities to control the sample Assign households for the Cluster –Once this option is selected, the PDA will present the following options related to assigning households to interviewers: –View table of assignments –Assign interviewers –Change household addresses –Change names of head of household
Option 1: Activities to control the sample Send household assignments to interviewers –This selection transfers the updated list of assignments of interviewers from the supervisor’s PDA to the interviewer’s PDA using Bluetooth. –The transfer operates in the same way as the transfer of household data from one interviewer to another interviewer, or the transfer of data from an interviewer to a supervisor. –As the assignments for the interviewers are needed for all interviewers, it is possible to transfer the assignment to all of the interviewers at the same time by selecting and activating each of the interviewers prior to transferring the data.
Option 2. Receiving questionnaires from an interviewer Prior to using this option, it is necessary to select the number of the interviewer from which we wish to receive data. This option will use Bluetooth to transfer data from an interviewer’s tablet to supervisors tablet.
Option 2. Receiving questionnaires from an interviewer Following transfer of the data from the tablet, a program will be executed to review the questionnaires collected for the interviewer. This will give a series of messages that should be reviewed and corrected as needed on the interviewer’s tablet. After correction of each of the messages, the data should be transferred again to the supervisor’s tablet and checked again.
Option 2. Receiving questionnaires from an interviewer Once the program has reviewed all of questionnaires, a summary list of questionnaires will be displayed. This summary list will include not only the questionnaires collected by the particular interviewer, but also the questionnaires collected by the other interviewer’s in the team and that have already been transferred to the supervisor’s Tablet.
Option 3: List interviewer questionnaires This option is the same as the preceding option, but does not receive questionnaires from the interviewers Tablet. It executes the same programs used in the preceding option, checking the questionnaires and listing all questionnaires collected and transferred to the supervisor’s Tablet.
Option 4: View/review questionnaire This option allows supervisor to review the data entered in a particular household or individual questionnaire. It executes the same program used by interviewer’s to collect the household and individual questionnaires, but running in modify mode.
Option 4: View/review questionnaire No changes in the data in the questionnaire should be made here as the data will not be saved. All changes to the data in the questionnaire should be made on the Tablet of the interviewer that collected the data for that questionnaire.
Option 5: Reinterview household This option allows supervisor to reinterview a household and collect the data for the household listing. It executes the same programs used by interviewer’s to collect the household questionnaires.
Option 5: Reinterview household After collecting the data for the household, supervisor should compare the data for the household listing from the interviewer’s tablet and the supervisor’s tablet. Use the Ctrl-A key combination to display the summary household schedules.
Option 8: Close/list Cluster This option is used to complete the processing of the cluster, once all data have been collected. It runs the same program used in options 2 and 3 above to check all of the questionnaires in the cluster for all interviewers.
Option 8: Close/list Cluster Once all of the data for the Cluster have been entered and all errors that the program displayed have been corrected, the Cluster can be considered complete and can be prepared to send on to the central data processing office at Central office.
Option 9: Create file to send to central office This option takes all of the data files for the cluster, checks them once again using the same program used in steps 2, 3 and 8, and if there are no errors, compresses the files together into a single zipped file. This zipped file can then be sent to the central data processing office at central office in one of three ways.
Remaining options Option 14: Change PSU number. –This option is used to change the cluster number to a new cluster. Option 15: Change interviewer number. –This option is used to change the cluster number to a new cluster. Option 16: Exit. –This option quits from the Supervisor’s menu system and returns to Windows.