Multimedia Presentation Project Created by Diana Absatz EDUC /EDUC Diffusion and Integration of Technology in Education
“Interactive whiteboards are the future of educational strategies, and without proper adoption of these and other technology tools, teachers are doomed to become dinosaurs in their practices.” ROBERT MARZANO
An interactive whiteboard (IWB), is a large interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface where users control the computer using a pen, finger, stylus, or other device. The board is typically mounted to a wall or floor stand. WHAT IS A INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD?
INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD TIMELINE JANUARY 1991 JANUARY 1991 First Interactive whiteboard developed. OCTOBER 2002 OCTOBER 2002 Smart Board goes wireless March 2003 March 2003 Online community for teachers August 2005 August 2005 Smart board produces 2 minute tutorials June 2006 June 2006 All- in- one Smart board October 2008 October 2008 Smart tablet released July 2010 July 2010 New smart response (allows interaction and student response from any web- enabled mobile device.
THE ORIGINS OF THE INTERACTIVE WHITE BOARDS In 1986, David Martin and Nancy Knowlton were driving through upstate New York when David first described a product idea he'd been working on to Nancy. A year later, SMART was founded. Originally, the company was the Canadian distributor for a U.S. projector company, and revenue was generated through projector sales. That revenue was directed toward the research and development of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard. The first interactive whiteboard was introduced by SMART Technologies to the consumer market in Upon its release, the SMART board became the first interactive board to set the feature of incorporating touch control of computer applications as well as annotation over basic Microsoft Windows programs. THEORIGINSOFSMART IWB
In 1992, SMART formed a strategic alliance with Intel Corporation, which resulted in joint product development, joint marketing efforts and Intel's equity ownership in SMART. Other than the Intel equity investment and some small investments from family and friends, the company relied on its retained earnings to fuel growth in these early years. That relationship with Intel was one of the key building blocks in SMART's history. THE ORIGINS OF INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARDS In 1992, SMART formed a strategic alliance with Intel Corporation, which resulted in joint product development, joint marketing efforts and Intel's equity ownership in SMART. Other than the Intel equity investment and some small investments from family and friends, the company relied on its retained earnings to fuel growth in these early years. That relationship with Intel was one of the key building blocks in SMART's history.
SMART Showcase Schools Smart Technologies promotes the adoption of SMART boards by setting SMART board systems into “Showcase Classrooms” to large School Districts. These “Smart showcase classrooms” demonstrate how SMART products can transform classrooms and improve learning outcomes. They serve as host sites for educators who are interested in implementing SMART products – and receive benefits, including professional development opportunities. Become a SMART Showcase School and share your success story.
Robert Marzano Robert Marzano recently divided 85 educators into two groups: One taught a lesson to students using interactive whiteboards and the other taught the same lesson using standard, more traditional tools. His data was undeniable: Interactive White Boards Vs. Traditional Tools (The Research)
Immediate Immediate increase of 17% in scores. 20 percentile gain. If a teacher had been given months to hone his or her skills, there was an average 20 percentile gain. 29 percentile If a teacher had used it for two years, and did so 75 % of the time. That profile shows a whopping 29 percentile gain in scores. INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD WINS MARZANO’S FINAL THOUGHTS RESULTS “ Beyond this sweet spot, dragons await in the form of diminishing returns in improved student scores, thus proving, he adds, that you clearly "can't take the human being out of teaching”(Marzano).