MAX O’NEIL J333 SWOT Blog Analysis
Strengths Both provide breaking news and opinions on top stories in sports using various forms of media. Not traditional journalism. Content is written and presented more from the perspective and experience of an average sports fan rather than a journalist. Neither focuses on just one sport, rather sports in general which creates a wider audience.
Content from Deadspin in addition to its writers comes from anonymous tips, readers, and other sports blogs. As a result can publish breaking news before other sites or publications. In addition to breaking news stories will provide sports-related anecdotes and humor through various forms of media. Direct affiliate of with top stories and features shown daily on its home page. In addition to sports content, provides news and opinions on latest happenings in pop culture. Presented well and easy to navigate. Has personal YouTube page for video content. Strengths Cont.
Layout of site is clean but bland. Could use some life and more color. All content is on one continuous blog roll. Everything about everything is in one place making it difficult to navigate and easily find the stories you want to read and topics you’re interested in. Have more blog pages with content specific to teams and leagues. Weaknesses
Opportunities Both sites operate under small staffs, with not a lot of writers. There is a lot of room to grow & expand. Neither site currently has an operating smart-phone or tablet app, which could be another great way for followers to access either site. Make multiple pages specific to different teams from different sports and leagues
Threats Features opinionated content written by casual sports fans. Content sparks and encourages debate through comment threads. Similar in many ways to Bleacher Report. Encourages interaction between fans and writers and features various forms of media.