Office of Undergraduate Studies Freshman Engineering (FE) All new freshmen (FS2013) take a 30-question spatial skills test online prior to their PRO day. Students who score below 60% will be placed in special FE10 sections and their FE10 experience will include some spatial skills training modules. The spatial skills test is supported by a NSF initiative coupled with the national ENGAGE program. Learning Enhancement Across Disciplines (LEAD) LEAD learning assistance ( has achieved three new records in Spring 2013 beyond those reported before. The record number of student-centered learning centers was set through the active commitment of the 60 who ran them outside of classroom hours. Although 60 LEAD faculty does not beat the record of 64 set in Fall 2012, it is a record for a spring semester.
Office of Undergraduate Studies Writing Center Set a new record for number of tutoring sessions in Fall 2012! 1002 tutoring sessions 475 total students 15 departments Offered summer tutoring for the first time, conducting a total of 124 sessions Hired and trained 6 new tutors for spring 2013 semester Made 17 presentations to classes in 5 departments to introduce Writing Center services and provide guidance on writing-related topics Continuing close collaboration with English composition faculty to evaluate and improve our effectiveness
Enrollment Management March – Advising Week for Summer and Fall 2013 April 1 – Registration begins in Joe’SS Visits are underway with Department Chairs to discuss Recruitment, Admissions, Enrollment, and Capacity
Office of International Affairs IEP Enrollment Enrollment in the Intensive English Program continues to grow. Spring 2013 is one of our largest populations with 88 students. Countries of origin include: China, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Thailand. Spring Enrollment Data
Office of International Affairs Conversation Partners Student participation continues to grow! Average attendance is about 120 students for this popular noon period cross- cultural communication event. Language students improve their English skills and American students expand their global competencies. Celebration of Nations Committee meetings have resumed for We invite all community members to consider serving on this important committee. Current tasks include finalizing a tee shirt design, updating publicity materials and starting community outreach to local schools.
Office of International Affairs New Linkage Agreements: –Northeastern University, China, signed 11/28/2012 –Yangtze University, China, signed 1/10/2013 –American Cultural Exchange of Japan, signed 2/1/2013 –Japan Study Abroad Foundation, signed 2/1/2013 –Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey, signed 1/24/2013 Signing ceremony with Dokuz Eylul University January 24, 2013
Office of Sponsored Programs FY13 activities through the end of February and a year- over-year comparison are as follows: –Proposals awarded in total dollars: $42.5M (up 203.3%) –Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 164 (down 7.3%) –Proposals submitted in total dollars: $99.8M (down 5.8%) –Number of proposals submitted: 328 (down 6.0%) –Research expenditures: $28.0M (down 6.8%) –F&A recovered: $4.1M (down 10.0%) –Number of active awards: 568 (down 1.4%)
Global Learning Enrollment in the graduate degree and certificate programs offered by S&T’s academic departments continues to increase. The number of credit hours for the Spring 2013 is up almost 5% over the same time last year. This increase is reflected in the chart on the following slide.
Global Learning