"Wearables" Standards Ad Hoc Committee Meeting IEEE Standards Process December 2, 1997 Cleveland Embassy Suites Hotel I. Gifford


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Presentation transcript:

"Wearables" Standards Ad Hoc Committee Meeting IEEE Standards Process December 2, 1997 Cleveland Embassy Suites Hotel I. Gifford

Summary The 12/2/97 meeting is the 3rd meeting of the Wearables Standards Ad-hoc committee The 7/16/97 meeting provided a very good IEEE Standards Process Overview The PAN PAR form needs to be submitted to the NesCom (or the RevCom) 45 days prior to: 3/18/98  2/6/98 IEEE P has invited us to provide a tutorial 3/9-13/98 We received the Standards Starter Kit from IEEE

IEEE Standards Kit PAR Submission Process flow sheet Working Guide for Submittal of Project Authorization Request (PAR) and PAR Form IEEE Standards Style Manual IEEE Standards Operations Manual IEEE Standards Board Bylaws IEEE Standards Products Catalog IEEE Standards Brochures IEEE Standard's Bearer (Newsletter) Once your PAR is approved, the IEEE will send you an After-PAR-Approval Kit with useful information to help you develop your draft and assist with your final submission to RevCom.

Imperative Principles There are five imperative principles that drive the standards process: due process, openness, consensus, balance, and the right of appeal. Roberts Rules of Order will be used to guide the meeting process.

IEEE Standards Process

IEEE Society & Technical Committees IEEE Aerospace And Electronic Systems Society IEEE Circuits and Systems Society IEEE Communications Society IEEE Components Packaging, And Manufacturing Technology IEEE Computer Society IEEE Consumer Electronics Society IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society IEEE Education Society IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society IEEE Electron Devices Society IEEE Engineering Management Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Environment, Health, and Safety Committee IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Industry Applications Society IEEE Information Theory Society IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society IEEE Magnetics Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society IEEE Neural Network Council IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Power Engineering Society IEEE Professional Communication Society IEEE Reliability Society IEEE Robotics & Automation Society IEEE Signal Processing IEEE Social Implications of Technology IEEE Solid-State Circuits Council/Society IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, Frequency Control Society IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

Computer Society Standards Committee and Working Groups Bus Architecture Standards Committee (BASC) Design Automation Standards Committee (DASC) Distributed Interactive Simulation Standards Committee (DIS) LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) Microprocessor and Microcomputer Standards Committee (MMSC) Optical Disk and Multimedia Platforms Standards Committee (ODMMSC) Portable Applications Standards Committee (PASC) SAB Sponsored Standards (SSC) Software Engineering Standards Committee (SESC) Standards Coordinating Committee (SCC) Storage Systems Standards Committee (SSSC) Test Technology Standards Committee (TTSC) P610 Computer Dictionary

Computer Society Sponsor, Standards Published in 1995/Total To-Date, Standards Projects in Process Bus Architecture, 4/16, 39 Design Automation, 0/2, 8 Distributed Interactive Simulation, 0/2, 2 Local & Metropolitan Area Networks, 5/59, 42 Microprocessor and Microcomputer, 1/32, 25 Optical Disk & Multimedia Platform, 0/0, 4 Portable Applications, 4/29, 38 SAB Sponsored Standards, 1/11, 1 Software Engineering, 1/30, 29 Storage Systems, 0/1, 7 Test Technology, 1/5, 3 Computer Dictionary - P610, 0/13, 4 TOTAL = 17 published in 1995, 200 To-Date TOTAL IN PROCESS = 202

IEEE Standards Process

Point One PARs are reviewed and recommended for approval four times a year by NesCom. There are submittal deadlines of 40 days before each meeting to allow NesCom to review the proposed PARs. IEEE staff will also examine your PAR, try to pinpoint any problem areas, and work with you to correct them prior to mailing the PARs to NesCom. However, if your PAR arrives too close to the deadline, staff cannot guarantee that they will have the time for a thorough review, and problems may arise at the NesCom meeting. The point is, the earlier you can submit your PAR, the better.

Point Two PARs also need to be signed by the working group chair and the sponsor or sponsor liaison, and NesCom needs to receive both of these signatures before the PAR will be considered. NesCom also requires that the sponsor or the sponsor liaison does the actual PAR submission.

Point Three Finally, the PAR, like the standard it encapsulates, is a living document. Just as a standard evolves and changes, so does a PAR. However, many groups don't consider these two items as synonymous and never look at their PAR after it is approved. For instance, as a standard evolves, it may change direction, and the PAR may need to be revised to reflect those changes. You should be careful to ensure that your scope specifically covers exactly what you want to standardize.

NesCom PAR Checklist Has an appropriate box in each category of the PAR been checked? Is the scope unique from the purpose? Are both descriptive of the project? Has the chair signed the copyright agreement? Has the sponsor signed the PAR? Did the sponsor submit the PAR? Has intersponsor coordination been avoided? Is the title correctly structured and unambiguous? Are all acronyms spelled out? Is all original paperwork available?

A case of an alternative to an SDO

IrDA Charter IrDA was established in 1993 to set and support hardware and software standards which create infrared communications links. The Association's charter is to create an interoperable, low-cost, low-power, half-duplex, serial data interconnection standard that supports a walk-up, point-to-point user model that is adaptable to a wide range of applications and devices. IrDA standards support a broad range of computing, communications, and consumer devices.

IrDA Serial Infrared Data Link Standard Specifications IrDA Serial Infrared (SIR) Physical LayerLink Specification (IrPHY) 1.1 IrDA Serial Infrared Link Access Protocol (IrLAP) 1.1 IrDA Infrared Link Management Protocol (IrLMP) 1.1 IrDA Infrared Communications Protocol (IrCOMM)1.0 IrDA Infrared Tiny Transport Protocol (TinyTP) 1.1 IrDA Infrared LAN Access Extensions for Link Management Protocol (IrLAN) IrDA Object Exchange Protocol (IrOBEX) IrDA Minimal IrDA Protocol Implementation (IrDA Lite) IrDA Plug & Play Extensions to IrLMP 1.0

IrDA Organization The Marketing Committee is responsible for the strategic and tactical direction of the Association, as well as the development of market requirements The Technical Committee is responsible for the identification and resolution of all technical issues, both hardware and software The Test Committee is responsible for producing measurement requirements to ensure compliance with the IrDA standards specifications, and protecting the integrity of the IrDA trademarks. The association meetings are held quarterly. In between meetings, the members communicate via electronic mail.

Abbreviations AdCom: IEEE Standards Board Administrative Committee AG: Advisory Group ANSI: American National Standards Institute ArCom: IEEE Standards Board Awards and Recognition Committee ASC: Accredited Standards Committee AudCom: IEEE Standards Board Procedures Audit Committee BSR: ANSI Board of Standards Review CEN: Comité Européen de Normalisation CENELEC: Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique FinCom: IEEE Standards Board Finance Committee IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IntCom: IEEE Standards Board International Committee ISO: International Organization for Standardization JTC: Joint Technical Committee NesCom: IEEE Standards Board New Standards Committee NosCom: IEEE Standards Board New Opportunities in Standards Committee OR: Organizational Representative PAR: Project Authorization Request ProCom: IEEE Standards Board Procedures Committee RevCom: IEEE Standards Board Standards Review Committee SemCom: IEEE Standards Board Seminars Committee TAB: Technical Advisory Board of the IEEE TAG: Technical Advisory Group TC: Technical Committee TPAR: Transnational Project Authorization Request SC: Subcommittee SCC: Standards Coordinating Committee SDO: Standards-Developing Organization USNC: United States National Committee of the IEC WG: Working Group