Looking after a New Kitten. A how to Guide Feeding
Kittens need to be feed 3 or 4 times a day They like the area which they eat in to be clean and cool
How much to feed Small amounts of food, about 1/3 cup of dry food and then 1/3 cup wet food
What to feed When starting out kittens need to have special kitten food, which is nutritionally design with all the vitamins required as they grow quickly. As your kitten get bigger he/she can eat almost anything, such as mince, chicken, vegies, making sure that there are no bones in it and it is not spicy. Kittens and cats DO NOT drink milk; they need special cat’s milk and LOTS of fresh water.
Basics CATS ARE A BIG RESPONSIBILITY and you must be prepared to commit to the 15 or so years that you may have your cat Cats don’t need daily exercise and are generally much more independent than dogs. BUY A STURDY CAT CARRY CASE. You will be amazed how many times you will use this. It is a good idea to get kitty used to the carrier and travel by transporting him/her with you wherever possible. PLAYTIME- all kittens need play time several times a day. Toys can be cheap- they love paper bags and ping- pong balls or try tying some scrunched paper to some string.
Toileting CATS ARE REALLY CLEAN ANIMALS- make sure you cat knows where its litter tray is and make sure that it is cleaned out regularly, a smelly tray and your cat won’t want to use it It doesn’t matter what type of kitty litter you use.
Sleeping Cats sleep up to 18 hours a day Provide a bed, basket or box to curl up in. Kittens love warmth so make sure the new bed is cozy and inviting. Cats are known as bed hogs, so if you want your cat to sleep with you, they must be encouraged to sleep at the end of the bed.
Indoor vs. Outdoor cats Generally, cats that live their life indoors live to a much older age than those that roam outside. Provided you provide an environment full of stimulation with toys, a scratching post, a cosy bed and lots of interaction from you, cats adapt extremely well to an indoor situation. Cats which live outdoor are more likely to fight with other cats, dogs and our native wildlife All cats now have to be indoors of a nighttime.
A visit to the vet VACCINATIONS- Kittens should have had their first vaccination when they are 6-8weeks, so most kittens will have received their first shot by the time you bring it home. MICROCHIPPING- all animals now have to be mircochipped so if they are lost they can be returned to you. This is a simple injection into the skin. DESEXING YOUR CAT- all cats can be de-sexed at around 6 months of aged, a good idea to make sure that there are no unwanted kittens and that your make cat doesn’t get into any fights or leave his scent around.