IEC SG 3 - Smart Grid Strategic Group CEN/CENELEC - Focus Group activities on standards for the Smart Grid P. Boss, Geneva (CH)


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Presentation transcript:

IEC SG 3 - Smart Grid Strategic Group CEN/CENELEC - Focus Group activities on standards for the Smart Grid P. Boss, Geneva (CH)

Relation with IEC SG3 and CEN/CENELEC ‘Focus Group’ on Smart Grid  May 2011, IEC SG3 accept CIGRE as observer  Mark Waldron joint the IEC SG3 meeting in Melbourne/AU on Oct 2011  Beginning 2011, CEN/CENELEC issued his final report. Some amendments are still in discussion.  All the work related to smart grid within CEN/CENELEC has been transferred to specific WG with high level of expertise.

Work in progress within CEN/CENELEC The JWG prepares a report including global issues like:  Basic idea of a smart grid / Political background in Europe  Aim of a European Roadmap / Activities around the world and a serie of recommendations as:  Terminology / Glossary  Grid architecture & System Aspects  Communication / Information Security  Generation / Transmission / Distribution  Smart Metering  Industry  Home and Building Automation

CEN/CENELEC considerations related to the transmission grid Key areas to be considered:  Grid access (enabling the network to integrate grid users with new requirement)  Grid observability (enhancing the observability and the monitoring of the transmission grid)  Grid security of supply and optimization (ensuring network security of supply in a more complex and optimized grid)  Grid planning of the future network (planning of the future network)  HVDC grid architecture  Smart assets  Offshore equipment (new)

About IEC / SG 3 - Strategic Group on Smart Grid  As for CENELEC, the identification of gaps within the various IEC TCs is needed  Development of a reference architecture as raised by CENELEC  Interfacing with other disciplines (i.e. telecommunication ITU)  Long term perspective for future standardization within IEC (5 yrs. and 15 yrs. horizon)  Take advantages of use cases to promote IEC work progress  Situation in Korea, within NIST, ITU and ISO regarding Smart Grid were presented  External bodies like CIGRE are accepted now within IEC SG 3

About IEC A project committee (PC) 118 ‘ Smart Grid user interface’ has been set up in 2011 todevelop Smart Grid user interface standards. A PC is formed when there is a need to be able to deal with a specific task that is limited in scope but that does not fit into the work of any existing IEC TC. Compared to a TC, a PC has a simplified structure with no subdivision into WGs (Working Groups). PC 118's task is to concentrate on the exchange between the demand-side of smart equipment and the grid and the relevant power demand response. See also

Conclusions  CEN/CENELEC and IEC continue to develop contacts with key players like NIST, ITU, ISO etc  IEC decided to work closely with Korea, China, Germany, etc and create an organization within IEC on the base of ‘use cases’. This organization of ‘use cases’ shall facilitate the implementation in other region and to build a glossary.  All standardization bodies like IEC, CEN/CENELEC and others show a large interest to avoid overlapping or ‘wheel re-invention’ effect  CIGRE shall continue to play an important role as discussion forum (session papers, colloquium, etc) to present state-of-art practices, identification of needs for standardization through WG activities.  CIGRE experts are invited to joint WG within IEC, CEN/CENELEC, etc through their national organisation. No seat in such organizations can be reserved for CIGRE.

Participating parties  Liaisons with Japan / USA / China / Korea / India  Representatives of the CEN and CENELEC national members  ANEC - European consumer voice in standardization  CECAPI - European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers  CECED - European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers  CEER - Council of European Energy Regulators  CENELEC TC 8X - System aspects of electrical energy supply  CENELEC TC 13 - Electricity meters and their communication

 DIGITAL EUROPE - European digital economy  EC - European Commission  EC DG - European Commission Directorate-General  ECOS - European Environmental Citizen Organization for Standardization  EDSO - European Smart Grid Technology Platform  EEGI - European Electricity Grid Initiative  ENTSO-E - European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity  EREF - European Renewable Energies Federation  ERGEG - European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas  ESMIG - European Smart Metering Industry Group  ETP - European Technology Platform Participating parties (cont.)

 ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute  ETSO - European Transmission System Operators  EURELECTRIC - European Union of the Electricity Industry  FP - European Framework Programme (for research)  GSMA - Organization for mobile communications industry  IEA - International Energy Agency  ITU-T - Telecommunication Standardization Sector  NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology  NTP - National Technology Platform  ORGALIME - European Engineering Industries Association  T&D Europe - European Association of the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Equipment and Services Industry  UN/CEFACT - UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

EU policy In April 2009, EU adopted the Climate-Energy Legislative Package setting the following key objectives to be achieved by 2020: cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% with respect to 1990 (30% if other developed countries commit to comparable cuts); increasing to 20% the share of renewable energies (wind, solar, biomass, etc) in overall energy consumption (currently about 8.5%). A third objective of the European energy policy was established by the European Parliament in January 2008: saving 20% of the projected energy consumption by improving energy efficiency. Consistently with these 20/20/20 objectives for 2020, more ambitious objectives are being developed by the European Commission for 2050.