1. Choosing an apartment 2. How will I pay 3. Roommates? 4. Furnishing 5. Being a good Tenant 6. Sources
I chose the apartment in Goshen Meadows because I liked the area, and its in West Chester. Also the apartments were pretty cheap for how nice they were.
The apartment rent is 1100 dollars a month. I plan on paying the rent with a full time job that I will have at the time. The security deposit I will pay with money I have saved in bank account
I plan on having one more roommate if not 2 With one roommate w will split the costs of everything in half, as long as we both use the same things The rent will be split in half also, along with the security deposit
The apartment already comes with a washer, dryer, microwave and dishwasher. I will buy a bed for myself and an end table and tv for my room. My roommate and I will both split the cost of a couch and a chair and an entertainment system, we will both also split the cost of the refigerator
I will fullfill my obligation as a tenant by following all the rules the Landlord gives me. For example if there are no pets I will not bring a pet to the apartment. I will take car of the apartment and make sure it is in good condition besides normal wear and tear. I will make sure the rent is paid on time
/Pennsylvania/West-Chester/Goshen- Meadows/3993/ /Pennsylvania/West-Chester/Goshen- Meadows/3993/ Mr. Kilpatrick’s class