Id week, 27-02-2007, Kerstin Lantzsch Joachim Schultes University of Wuppertal FSM configuration and functionality - current status - plans.


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Presentation transcript:

id week, , Kerstin Lantzsch Joachim Schultes University of Wuppertal FSM configuration and functionality - current status - plans

FSM creation FSM hierarchy is built using SIT-Aliases, „underscore“ as Separator: –(lowest level-)CU: Layer_PCC_ROgroup e.g. D1A_B01_S1 or L1_B01_S1_A6 –DU: Layer_PCC_ROgroup_DU e.g. D1A_B01_S1_M3 or L1_B01_S1_A6_OptoBoard

Units ROgroup Wiener Channel Iseg Channel Optoboard Module Detector Layer PCC ROgroup

user interface

FSM states and stati StateIsegWIENEROptoBoardModules RUNNING--ALL channel ON and clock provided by OptoLink ALL channel ON and Modules configured (FE-by-FE is possible) READY / ONchannel ON ALL channel ON but NO_CLOCK ALL channel ON NOT_READYe.g. partly on, Regulator channels inhibited e.g. NO_CLOCK OFFchannel OFF ALL channel OFFALL channel OFF ( no current) UNKNOWN DISABLEDModule will be kept OFF even if the operator (via the SIT) switch on any channel StatusOKWARNINGALARMFATAL

Module States determined by analog and digital current (Temperature) for modularity < 6/7: HV into Module State?

Software Interlock For Module Temperature 35°C WARNING, 37°C ALARM –„TEMP_HIGH“ In Status OFF can at most reach WARNING Status ALARM for Module Temperature: Module will be switched OFF tested and working


SWITCH_ON ROgroups (should reach READY/RUNNING state): SWITCH_ON SC-OLink channel SWITCH_ON the WIENER channel for VDD and VVDA –waiting 1 sec.. // WAITING FOR SC-OLINK and WIENER UnkillRegulatorBoard SWITCH_ON VVDC Regulator channels for the OptoBoard –waiting 1 sec… // WAITING FOR POWERED OPTO BOARD RESET of OptoBoard SWITCH_ON VDD Regulator channels for the modules –waiting 2 sec… // REDUCING CURRENT OVERLOAD DUE TO THERMAL EFFECTS SWITCH_ON VDDA Regulator channels for the modules –waiting 1 sec… iseg_AcknowledgeInterlock SWITCH_ON HV channels for the modules/ROgroup ROgroup Modules OptoBoard

Different SWITCH_ON procedure? Favoured by System test operators: –Wiener –SC-OLink –HV –PP2 VVDC –PP2 VDD –PP2 VDDA HV before LV

Flexible SWITCH_ON procedure? e.g. SWITCH_ON without HV Flexible order → „Object Parameters“, „Action Parameters“? → from DB??

SWITCH_ON (PP2), I include Initialization of PP2 and check of sense line (Mauro´s procedure) basically keep normal order, but - to have a well defined startup order (now only partly given for „RECOVER“), ensure that: wiener OFF board killed set trimmers inhibit Board → new SDO-Item in PP2-ELMB?

SWITCH_ON (PP2), II -unkill Board before first switch_on of a PP2 Channel -check Vmon reading before wiener at full output voltage -PDO: -routine should be stopped before long „PVSS-Operations“ (i.e. startup) -routine always gets items in a certain order -for reduction of load on pc, opc group has refresh rate of only 1 sec -ramp up wiener to full output voltage → Additional time needed for „SWITCH_ON“

Additional Commands? e.g. RECOVER_PP2 –after power cycle of controller reload Inhibits without clock command for D-flip-flop Load_CONFIG –read in xml-File with Configuration ( → SIT) default values from DB