EMISSIONS SECURITY Elizabeth Eykman Supervisors:Stephen Gould & Matt Barrie
OBJECTIVES Set up a successful lab experiment to measure optical emanations from a computer terminal Investigate the information contained in optical emissions from CRT monitors Reconstruct information from the optical signal Suggest improvements to experiment and further work Consider Countermeasures
BACKGROUND In 1985, Van Eck demonstrated the reconstruction of a television CRT display by using the information carried in the electromagnetic radiation In May 2002, Markus Kuhn published a paper (Optical Time-Domain Eavesdropping risks of CRT displays) to describe the reconstruction of a CRT display using the information contained in the optical emissions Emissions Security (Emsec) refers to the protection of a system from being attacked by way of compromising emanations.
EQUIPMENT SET UP Photomultiplier CRO Power Supply Computer for signal capturing and processing Source: CRT Raster Scan display monitor Diffuse reflections of information carrying emissions can be detected
PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE Vacuum Envelope Anode Dynodes Electron Shower Photocathode Received Field -V R load RASTER SCAN DISPLAY Horizontal retrace Vertical retrace Scan line
TEST PATTERNS Source DisplayPMT Output Resolution of 640x480 pixels used for source display Refresh rate period = 16.5ms One pixel period= 16.5/(640x480) = ns
SINGLE PIXEL DECAY CURVES Source display The intensity function of the light emitted corresponds to the video signal convolved with the impulse response of the screen phosphors The phosphor decay curve can be thought of a low-pass filter applied to the video signal as it is emitted
PIXELS ON THE SAME SCAN LINE Source display Pixels on the same scan line can be clearly differentiated in the received signal if they are 2 or more pixels apart. (using the equipment available) Two white pixels on the same scan line were moved closer together
ADAPTIVE FILTER DESIGN Plant P(z) Delayed inverse model H(z) z-z- Delay Input s k Plant noise n k + + dkdk + _ xkxk ykyk kk x k Noisy plant output y k Output signal k Error signal d k Desired response DELAYED ADAPTIVE INVERSE MODEL The transfer function of the model, H(z), is a best-fit to the inverse of the unknown transfer function of the system Once converged, the adaptive filter output is a best least-squares match to the plant input The derived inverse filter can now be used to reconstruct the video signal/data
LMS Algorithm: W k+1 = W k + 2µ k X k W = weight vector µ = convergence parameter = error X = input signal vector S k = Synthesized video signal X k = Photomultiplier output sksk xkxk 100ns ~53ns ~107ns Two white pixels 2 pixels apart The LMS algorithm is used to find the coefficients of the inverse filter
COUNTERMEASURES Break the line of sight to display surfaces exhibiting sensitive information Surrounded monitors by broadband background light to increase shot noise Set the monitor to the highest resolution possible, minimum workable contrast and maximum brightness comfortable Encrypt the raster scan algorithm of the CRT Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors can be used to replace CRT monitors as all pixels in a line are refreshed simultaneously and the pixel response times are slower
CONCLUSIONS FURTHER WORK Development of a Real-Time application Reconstruction of data to its true colours Development of further countermeasures With the use of this simple, inexpensive experiment, it has been shown that information leakage from a CRT monitor via optical emissions is a security concern.