Optimization of the operation of Muon systems at LHC: a closed- loop gas system for RPCs and a CF 4 -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). Fontys Hogescholen Date: 08 November 2010 Sander Rouwette
Table of Contents Introduction to CERN Detectors Optimization of the closed-loop gas system for the RPCs at LHC – Test setup – Optimized purifier configuration – Validation of the Purifiers – RPC performance at long term – Monitoring Impurities – Conclusions CF 4 recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS – Test Setup – Further Tests Word of Thank
Introduction to CERN
Standard Model Why do particles have mass? Higgs Boson Supersymetry
Introduction to CERN Gold plated Higgs Boson decay, no missing momentum H→ZZ * →4μ Excellent detecting properties Low background signal
Introduction to CERN CMS
Introduction to CERN Muon Spectrometer – 250 Drift tubes – 540 Cathode Strip Chambers – 610 Resistive Plate Chambers
Detectors Principles of particle detection Interaction with matter – Energy transfer to an electron – Electron acceleration – Charge multiplication – Charge collection Some examples: Gaseous detectors; Drift Tubes, Resistive Plate Chambers and Cathode Strip Chambers. Cherenkov detector, Silicon detector.
Detectors Resistive Plate Chambers(RPCs) – Planar gaseous detector – Resistive plates made out of Bakelite – 2 mm wide gap between the plates – Read-out strips glued on the outside of a gap – 2 gaps per set of read-out strips Suitable spatial resolution (~ 1 cm) Can be operated in a high background environment High rate capability Long Term performance (>10 LHC years)
Detectors Gas flow through the gap – SF 6 (0.3%) – C 2 H 2 F 4 (94.7% – iC 4 H 10 (5.0%) Voltage applied across the plates Incoming particle result in the production of an avalanche The avalanche production and movement of charges induces a charge on the read-out strips
Detectors Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) Multiwire Proportional Chamber with stripped cathode read-out, planes as cathode and wires as anodes
Detectors Gas consists of: – Ar (40%) – CF 4 (10%) Added to prevent the accumulation of polymers on the anode wires – CO 2 (50%) Avalanche productions occurs close to the wires Avalanche creation and movement results in an induced charge on the cathode strips
Problems: closed-loop gas system for RPCs LHC RPCs are operated in a closed-loop set-up – Large detector volume (~16 m 3 ) – Relative expensive gas mixture Tests have shown that when chambers irradiated at LHC levels, impurities are formed inside the gas, F - radicals and Hydro- Carbons Potentially dangerous for the chambers Purifiers to remove the impurities from the gas. Purifiers have to be validated in a long-term test for optimal usage Supply Resistive Plate chambers Purifiers Exhaust
Problems: closed-loop gas system for RPCs Fresh gas (blue) and a sample of gas after the irradiated RPC chambers with the impurities (green) Impurities created inside the gas CH 4 C2H6C2H6 CH 2 F 2 C2H2F2C2H2F2 C3H6C3H6 C2H3F3C2H3F3 C 2 HF 3
Test Setup: closed-loop gas system for RPCs Twelve RPC gaps are exposed to radiation conditions close to the conditions at LHC Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF) – 650 GBq 137 Cs source at the center of the facility – Radiation levels can be controlled via a set of filters – Chambers are placed in a tent in order to control the temperature (~20 °C) and humidity (35-40%) – Acceleration factor of ~30 to speed up charge collection – Allows to do ageing test in an accelerated way
Test Setup: closed-loop gas system for RPCs Gas system similar to the one at LHC Three double gaps RPC are operated in open mode and the other three are operated in a closed- loop Open mode: no gas circulation, used as validation for the closed loop Refresh rate of 1 volume change per/hour (~6 L)
Measured performance of purifiers with the RPC gas mixture Current purifier configuration at LHC – Lifetime of the MS ~1.5 day – Lifetime of the metallic catalysts 15 days Drawbacks – An increase in flow would result in a lower lifetime beyond the regeneration time – Still a large amount of impurities when the chambers are irradiated – Capacity to absorb water is low MS 3 Å MS 5 Å Cu R11 Cu-Zn R12 Ni Al 2 O 3 Mixture from RPC Mixture to RPCs P1 P2
Search of an optimized Purifier configuration Removal of certain types of impurities for some purifiers
Search of an optimized Purifier configuration Objective for new purifier sets – Perfect H 2 O and O 2 filtering – The removal of as much impurities as possible – Stable chamber currents over a long period of LHC operation Optimized configuration and currently being tested: – 3 cartridges are available – MS 3 Å is replaced by MS 4 Å which removes more impurities. – Double the volume for Cu and Ni Al 2 O 3. – H 2 O filtering is not improved
Search of an optimized Purifier configuration Proposed new purifier configuration Double capacity for H 2 O absorption Optimized capacity of MS 4 Å, more absorption of F - and Hydro Carbons Removal of the Ni Al 2 O 3, it sometimes enhances to production of impurities Has yet to be tested
Experimental methods: closed-loop gas system for RPCs Validation of the configuration 6 sampling points – 1: After the Mixer called Freshmix – 2: After the chambers in open mode called Omreturn – 3: After the chambers in Closed- loop – 4/5/6: Just after respectively purifier 1/2/3 Purifier 1 contains 10% MS 5 Å and 90% MS 4 Å Purifier 2 contains Cu (R11) Purifier 3 contains Ni and Al 2 O 3 Sampling done with a μGC Currents, temperature and humidity are constantly monitored
Experimental methods: closed-loop gas system for RPCs Analysis methods – Daily checklist – Resistivity measurements of the bulk resistivity of the chambers – HV scans at different radiation levels – F - ion concentration measurements because – Gas analysis with a microGC/MS
Experimental methods: closed-loop gas system for RPCs microGas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer – 3 columns used to improve the separation OV1, used to separate Hydro-Carbons PPU, used to separate Hydro-Carbons but in a smaller range MS, used to separate Noble gasses and molecules like O 2 – Thermal Conductivity Sensor (TCD) measures the thermal conductivity of a gas versus a reference flow (He). – Possibility to place a Mass Spectrometer in addition to the TCD to indentify peaks, this function is available for 2 columns Sample Injection with a carrier gas Argon Gas passes the TCD. Signal is recorded Gas passes through the columns and gets separated Gas is exhaus ted
Validation of the purifiers Chambers run in open mode as an validation point 2.Chambers run in closed-loop with the current LHC purifier configuration 3.Chambers run in closed-loop with the optimized purifier configuration Ageing is related to the total charge collected by the detector
RPC performance at long-term
Monitoring Impurities Concentration of iC 4 H 10 is constant The main components decrease in concentration with respect to the Freshmix – The lowest concentration can be found in the Clreturn sample. – Incoming radiation breaks the main components
Monitoring Impurities Human interventions N 2 level is defined by the refresh rate of the system. After an human intervention it takes about 1-2 weeks until the N 2 returns to normal levels
Monitoring Impurities Oxygen levels are in general lower due filtering with the purifiers In addition the levels of oxygen are also decreasing faster after an human intervention, around 1 day to go to normal values Human interventions are still visible
Monitoring Impurities Water is monitored with the mass spectrometer in the Clafterp1 channel. When the purifier is saturated traces of water are found Date Counts MS saturation
Monitoring Impurities A typical example of an impurity (CH 2 F 2 ) Saturation of the MS is clearly visible The slope is characterized by the amount of CH 2 F 2 created inside the gaps and removed in the purifiers MS saturation
Conclusion A systematic study of the RPC gas mixture has been performed. Several impurities have been identified. Their concentration monitored along time and correlated with the saturation of the purifiers. Detector performances seem not to be affected by this level of concentration. After correction for environmental conditions, the RPC currents are very stable over all the test period. An optimized configuration of purifiers is under test since 6 months: it allows improving the purifiers run cycle and the filtering performances on the LHC RPC detectors. It will be soon implemented in the LHC experiments.
Problems: CF 4 -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS The CSCs of CMS are operated in a mixture of CF 4 /CO 2 /Ar (10/50/40) – The cost of this mixture is almost totally defined by the cost of the CF 4 – Large detector volume – Closed-loop operation is mandatory N 2 is diffusing through some parts of the loop and affecting the detectors performance A recuperation system for CF 4 has been proposed in order limit the operating costs and increase the flow through the system – With the CF 4 being recuperated the injection of “fresh” CO 2 and Ar can be increased – An increase in flow results in a better operation of the detector
Test Setup: CF 4 -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS CSC gas system at CMS, the input to the CF 4 recuperation plant is ~ 570 l/h
Test Setup: CF 4 -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS Input from the system Membrane to separate CF 4 from the other gasses The efficiency of the membrane is not 100%. The gas has to be further purified with a MS 4 Å To trap the CF 4 a MS 13X is used. This MS also captures CO 2
Membrane Membrane consists of many thin tubes spanned across the total length of the membrane The walls of the thin tubes are permeable for some gasses Permeable gasses are pumped out at the wall of the membrane while non permeable gases will be exiting at the end of the thin tubes Ar CO 2 CF 4
Test Setup: CF 4 -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS Recovery of the CF 4 When MS 13X is saturated a valve will be closed The MS 13 X will be pumped down. During the process CF 4 will be released by the MS and can be stored Valve
Test Setup: CF 4 -recuperation unit for the CSC of CMS Valves are operated with Labview Expected lifetime 1.5 h for the MS 13X 42 l cardtridge
Further tests Separation tests of a new cartridge – Efficiency will be tested at different pressure levels. Has been tested at 50 mbar. Will be tested up to 200 mbar. – 4 Cartridges will be needed for the final set-up N 2 absorption of the MS 13X. – Depends the absorbed amount of N 2 on the percentage of N 2 in the gas? Yes, cryogenic installation – Or is it a steady amount?
further tests Recovery phase 3 sub steps N 2 increase after certain amount of time
Word of thank A special word of thank to my supervisors at CERN: Dr. Mar Capeans Garrido Dr. Roberto Guida and to my supervisor at Fontys: Ing. Pé Philipsen