Drugs Chapter 16
What is a DRUG??? A drug is any chemical substance that causes a change in a person’s physical or psychological state.
Medical Drugs Many drugs are used as medicine.
Using Drugs When using medicine, it is important to follow safe practices, such as following the directions on the bottle.
Helpful Effects of Drugs If used properly, drugs can be very valuable.
Misusing Drugs Misusing drugs can lead to drug abuse or even addiction.
Abusing Drugs Drug abuse can quickly get out of control. Drug abuse causes problems in every part of a person’s life by interfering with relationships and school.
Types of Drugs Stimulants: Any drug that increases the body’s activity. Cocaine Crack cocaine Methamphetamine
Types of Drugs Depressant: Any drug that decreases activity in the body. Rohypnol Alcohol
Types of Drugs Marijuana: A powerful drug that affects mind and body
Types of Drugs Opiates:Any drug that is produced from the milk of the opium poppy. Painkillers Prescription Heroin Morphine
Types of Drugs Hallucinogens: Any drug that causes a person to hallucinate LSD, acid, blotter Magic mushrooms, shrooms PCP, angel dust, dust, superweed, ozone Peyote, buttons, cactus, mescaline
Types of Drugs Inhalants: Any drug that is inhaled and absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs. Household cleaners Spray paint Glues Freon Nitrous oxide
Types of Drugs Designer Drugs: Any drugs that is produced by making a small chemical change to a drug that already exists. Ecstasy, X, Adam, XTC, E GHB K, Ketamine, special K, Kit Kat, Vitamin K
Recovering from Drug Abuse Recovering physically and psychologically from drug abuse is much harder than refusing drugs.
Treatment There are several treatment options for people who abuse drugs.