Dot and Jabber Excercises
I am an animal with six legs. I can fly and have round black spots on my wings. What kind of bug am I?
Bugs are good at hiding. Green bugs hide on green leaves. Brown bugs hide on brown trees. They look like they are gone!
Encyclopedia Article FROG a small animal with no tail that lives on land and in water The Body of a Frog Frogs have long back legs, a flat head and smooth skin. The Life of a Frog Tadpoles hatch from frogs’ eggs. In time tadpoles become frogs. Kinds of Frogs More than 4,500 different species exist.
Encyclopedia Article FROG a small animal with no tail that lives on land and in water The Body of a Frog Head of an article Frogs have long back legs, a flat head and smooth skin. The Life of a Frog Head of an article Tadpoles hatch from frogs’ eggs. In time tadpoles become frogs. Kinds of Frogs Head of an article More than 4,500 different species exist.