AMERICAN LANDRACE The various strains of Landrace swine are the descendants of the famous Danish Landrace hogs that were developed in Denmark. The development of the breed began in about 1895. The American Landrace is a white hog of long body length, having sixteen or seventeen pairs of ribs.
The hair color of the American Landrace must be white The hair color of the American Landrace must be white. Dark skin spots are considered undesirable. A few freckles on the skin are allowed but black hairs are not. The sows are prolific and satisfactory mothers. The sides are long, of uniform depth, and well let down in the flank. AMERICAN LANDRACE
AMERICAN YORKSHIRE "The Mother Breed“ It is thought that the first Yorkshires brought into the United States were brought to Ohio around 1830 AMERICAN YORKSHIRE
YORKSHIRE Following World War I, the market for lard was vanishing. Yorkshires were very slow growing and had very short and pugged noses. Yorkshires had failed to gain a foothold with farmers. Mothering ability, larger litters, more length, more scale and frame were so badly needed by many producers that they were again ready to try Yorkshires, and this time they were satisfied!
Three hundred years ago - so legend has it - the Berkshire hog was discovered by Oliver Cromwell's army, in winter quarters at Reading, the county seat of the shire of Berks in England. The excellent carcass quality of the Berkshire hog made him an early favorite with the upper class of English farmers. BERKSHIRE
BERKSHIRE During the past several years the Berkshire has made great strides of improvement towards meeting the demands of the swine industry. Selection pressure has been applied toward those traits of great economical importance - fast and efficient growth, reproductive efficiency cleanness, and meatiness.
The Chester White breed originated in Chester County, Pennsylvania
DUROC Origin in the eastern United States and in the Corn Belt. It would seem presumptuous today to attempt to identify the foundation stock of the breed, which was originally called the Duroc-Jersey, DUROC
Durocs have considerable variation in color Durocs have considerable variation in color. An acceptable color may range from a very light golden, almost yellow color, to a very dark red that approaches mahogany. Medium length and slight dish of the face. The ears should be drooping and should not be held erect. DUROC
The Hampshire breed of hogs may well be one of the oldest original early American breeds of hogs in existence today. It was from Hampshire county in England that importations were thought to be made to America between 1825 and 1835. HAMPSHIRE
The hogs developed in this area became quite popular because of the hardiness, vigor, prolificacy and foraging characteristics that they possessed. These original desirable traits have always been further developed within the Hampshire breed, causing steady growth in popularity and demand. HAMPSHIRE
They are shorter of leg than most breeds, stockier in build, and quite broad along the back. The hams are extremely bulging and muscular. They carry an extremely high proportion of lean to fat. The breed is of medium size and is white with black spots. PIETRAIN
Pietrain, Belgium, the village from which the breed takes its name, was the birthplace of the breed. The breed has developed a reputation for improving the quality of market swine when the boars are used on sows of other breeds Potential for providing genetic improvement in carcass quality PIETRAIN
It is very difficult to evaluate the exact contribution that any particular breed or type may have made to the breed that was formed from the crossing and recrossing of many different kinds of breeding. POLAND CHINA
Unbeatable among various breeds of swine for the characteristic of maximum weight at any given age. Excellent feeders and they gain readily under conditions of good care and management. Quiet in their dispositions and are rugged in their constitutions. The breed is known for having very substantial bone and for being sound in its feet and legs. POLAND CHINA
The present day Spots descend from the Spotted hogs which trace a part of their ancestry to the original Poland China, which consisted of six separate breeds and was referred to as the "Warren County Hog" of Ohio SPOT
SPOT Feed efficiency, rate of gain, and carcass quality, Spots are popular with farmers and commercial swine producers for their ability to transmit their fast-gaining, feed efficient, meat qualities to their offspring. SPOT