By Patience
Snowy owl is white and his spots are black. It has a heart shape face to. It has little claws The wood owl is called tawny owl it has white spots Barn and grass owls like grass and they have white and black spots APPEARANCE
The snowy owl has baby's it will protect the eggs by its wings A baby owl is called a owlet The barn owl really the same as a baby owl but only the skin is different YOUNG
Pel fishing owl lives in Africa Among the world pel fishing owl is in species Pel fishing owl emerges form its day time roosting ducks. HABITAT
The Pel Fishing owl diet is fish and catfish. Occasionally they eat frogs and crabs and mussel. DIET
Barn owl has feathered feet as there is little fingers claws Pel Fishing owl has un feathered feet to a void collection A giant among owl is the eagle owl stands 12 inches taller than the barn owl. WOW FACTS
Whiled life facts files IMP,INC 1991,USA PUBLISHER INFORMATION