Unit Overview and Vocabulary
I. Grover Cleveland A. President when Hawaii was annexed B. President during Cuban Revolution against Spain
II. William McKinley A. President during Spanish- American War B. Made decision to take the Philippine Islands
III. Theodore Roosevelt (true imperialist) A. Before presidency 1. urged for war with Spain 2. led a group called “Rough Riders” during Spanish-American War B. During presidency 1. helped “steal” Panama to build Panama Canal 2. liked to show off Great White Fleet C. After Presidency 1. urged Wilson to enter World War I
IV. William H. Taft A. first governor of Philippines ( ) Dollar Diplomacy B. in Latin America C. sent marines into Nicaragua
V. Woodrow Wilson A. sent American troops into Mexico B. Moral Diplomacy in Latin America C. president during World War I
One country’s dealings and interactions with other nations
Love of one’s country; super-patriotism
Not becoming involved in the affairs of other countries
Not taking sides in a war
Allowing all nationalities and ethnic groups to freely choose their own form of government
Philosophy that the world can become a perfect place
One people controlling another people economically, politically, and/or socially
Land totally controlled by another nation
Mistaken belief that the white race must “civilize and Christianize” the rest of the world
Situation that appears to be a contradiction
The writing of sensational and often untrue stories
Getting ready for war
Requiring service in the military; the draft
Rights such as free speech religion, petition, and protest
Speaking out against the government
One who is opposed to war; “dove”
One who strongly supports war; “hawk”
Payments the losing side in a war must give to the winning side