Pedagogic planning tools E-Learning Design Staff Development Day 28 June 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Pedagogic planning tools E-Learning Design Staff Development Day 28 June 2007

Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Planning/design tools Driven by government policy: Action Promote innovation by developing flexible learning activity design tools ensuring that e-learning products are based on robust evidence of effective learning and teaching. DfES (2005). 'Harnessing Technology: Transforming learning and children's services Online at See JISC Design for Learning (D4L) Programme at p_designlearn.aspx p_designlearn.aspx

Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Examples 1 LAMS at both a design tool and a learning environment open source extensive evaluation by JISC among others Dialogue Plus at JISC funded, still in development Activity design level supported design framework that produces text representation Phoebe activity design level still in development extensive resources

Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Examples 2 JISC Effective practice planner (and evaluator) From the JISC e-Learning Pedagogy programme see handouts CE6 Learning Module tool this ones for later Online Pedagogic planner at programme/module level design tool dynamically links and updates resources (including teaching hours not yet finished try it out at

Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Activity This is an opportunity for some hands-on exploration of some of these tools. In small groups (2s/3s) grab a computer and explore the 2 or 3 tools that appear most suitable for your purposes (links to them from: Choose one and develop a small learning activity using it