Back-to-School Night Mrs. Jeannine Weed First Grade
First Grade Schedule 9:10 – 9:30 Morning Meeting 9:30 – 11:00 Reading/Language Arts 11:04-11:34Pit/Science/Social Studies 11:34-12:34 Recess/Lunch 12:34-1:15Writing/Language Arts 1:15-1:30Read Aloud/Snack 1:30-2:30Math 2:30 – 2:45Recess 2:50 – 3:30Specials M-Art T-Gym W-computers Th.-Library Fri.-Music 3:40 Dismissal
Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting Guided Discovery Teacher Language Safe environment/willing to take risks Logical Consequences-Time Out-Buddy Teacher/Restorative Practices Respect and Consistency in Building (positive reinforcement)
Lunch Money If your child will be buying lunch regularly or occasionally, recommend buying a lunch ticket Cafeteria will only accept checks. If paying daily, lunch cost $2.75 Will be notified via your child’s folder when there are only 1 or 2 lunches left Please practice Student ID # with your child. Supplies Thanks! Zip pouch marker bag Pencil box/baby wipe box
November Conferences See sign-up sheet Please return yellow forms tonight!
Snack Please send in one nutritious snack for your child every day (even on early dismissal days). We have a peanut-free classroom! Juice boxes are permitted in the classroom at snack time. Water is permitted in the class at all times.. Bake Sale/Wed. Soft Pretzels
Writing Writing Workshop Spelling(formal spelling tests January) Individual Conferences/Goal Setting Types of Writing: narrative, how-to, research, opinion, acrostic poems, letters
Social Studies Harcourt HORIZONS Units (pit time): Going to School Good Citizens The Land Around Us All About People Looking Back Jobs People Do
Science Three Units Presented Throughout the Year: Balance and Motion Weather Organisms Very hands-on “Learning by doing”
EnVisions Math 1. Topics of Instruction Addition and Subtraction Place Value Counting money Geometry Fractions Measurement Graphs and Probability 2.Daily Lesson Warm up Bridge (main element of the lesson) Differentiated Practice Problem Solving Math Centers
Homework Refer to weekly newsletter for homework Math/Typically given Monday through Thursday Reading/2 weekly books sent home Tests/assessments need to be signed and returned (Look for folder) Homework Length: 10 minutes Good quality homework; build good work habits HOMEWORK BEGINS Wednesday, SEPT. 19
Communication Weekly newsletter/Paperless initiative Rolling Hills Take-Home Folders - Clean out daily; use to return homework, lunch ticket checks, book orders, etc. Voic (for a response in hrs.) address, weekly newsletter, etc. Changes in dismissal should be communicated in an e- mail, note or call by office. Both parents need to have notes sent in. Report cards begin 2 nd marking period
Absences/Tardies Use forms from For vacations, request form from office prior to absence Upon return from an illness, bring in a note
Birthdays During afternoon snack time approx. 1:15 P.M Recommending non-food b-day treats (pencil/bubbles) Summer birthdays can will be celebrated later in the year.
Student Spotlight You will receive notice the week before your child is to be the student spotlight. Keep sheet explaining what to bring in each day of the week. Let me know prior if you will be coming in to read.
Questions ?
Feel Good About Themselves
Thank you for coming!