Let Everything That
Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord
Praise you in the morning Praise you in the evening Praise you when I’m young And when I’m old
Praise you when I’m laughing Praise you when I’m grieving Praise you every season of the soul
If we could see How much You’re worth Your power, Your might Your endless love Then surely we would Never cease to praise You.
Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord
Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord
Praise you in the heavens Joining with the angels Praise You forever and a day
Praise You on the earth now Join with creation Calling all the nations to Your praise
If we could see How much you’re worth Your power, Your might Your endless love Then surely we would Never cease to Praise You.
Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord
Your love, oh Lord reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains Your justice flows l ike the ocean’s tide
I will lift my voice To worship you my King
I will find my strength In the shadow of your wings
Your love, oh Lord reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains Your justice flows l ike the ocean’s tide
I will lift my voice To worship you my King
I will find my strength In the shadow of your wings
I will lift my voice To worship you my King
I will find my strength In the shadow of your wings
Your love, oh Lord reaches to the heavens Your faithfulness stretches to the sky
Church Calendar April – May:Weekly Prayer Walks May 6:Leaders-to-Leaders Mtg May 11-21:Mission Team in Haiti July 19-22:Great Escape All Church Campout July 22:Church up at Scott’s Flat (Sanctuary Church building will be closed for the day for the camp retreat.)
Let’s stay connected at Sanctuary! If you are a ministry leader at Sanctuary and have an event date coming up, please contact Liz Golla to get an announcement into the bulletin and congregational . This will also be displayed on our Sanctuary calendar and power-point slides on Sunday morning. Thanks in advance!
Great Escape All Church Campout July Fun event for the entire family at Scott’s flat campground in Scotts Valley. Rock Harbor has graciously offered their amazing retreat camping accommodations to Sanctuary. This is Rock Harbors best event, let’s not miss the opportunity for great fellowship, a spiritual retreat and a an experience your children will love. See flyer on the communication table for pricing and more information.
Prayer Walks! Prayer walks focused on our church and the transplant to mid-town or the Sac State area, come walk the neighbourhoods and pray with us! Whether you work down-town/mid-town or not and are able to meet up, this a great opportunity to incorporate more intentional prayer in your week life. To get on the weekly to find out times and locations, contact Laurie Kubicek at
Let the fundraising begin! The fundraising team is planning to meet Monday night, April 30 th, to kick off the planning and begin preparing for the first fundraiser. We’d love for you to join! We’re going to have a blast! Contact Laurie Espinoza at Contact Laurie Espinoza at or Rob Crandell at
Kids At Heart Kids at Heart is coming up on June 2, 2012, 6:00 pm at Artisan. Dinner, an auction, and community awards. Please consider supporting the work of The GreenHouse by purchasing a ticket, donating towards the auction, or sponsoring the event. Get more information at
Summer Positions The GreenHouse is currently accepting applications for summer positions - both paid and volunteer. If you are interested in learning more about summer opportunities at The GreenHouse, please contact Kacie Stratton at or (916)
Prayer Requests - For wisdom with regard to staffing changes and hiring. For Leonor and Alfredo's family (and their 5 girls). For continued provision of jobs for them. For all of the kids and teens that were involved in the break-in and their hard situations at home.
Prayer Requests (continued) - For all of our teens -pressures, relationships, grades, decisions, etc. That they would have hearts that seek God. For Kids at Heart - for partnerships, sponsors, and people that would want to come out to support the work we are doing at the GH.
Current Children’s Ministry Needs Looking for volunteers: 2 for the Nursery/Super 2’s 2 for the Sharing Sharks/Justice Jumpers combined class And 1For the LEGO’s
“ In a second century letter to Caesar Hadrian, the Christian apologist Aristides cites as evidence for the faith the way Christians love their enemies, live with honesty, care for the needs of strangers and even fast so they will have enough money to feed the poor. He concludes his letter with this marvelous statement: ‘Such, O King…is their manner of life…and verily this is a new people, and there is something divine in the midst of them.’ ” - Tim Morey, Embodying Our Faith, pp56-57 WHY?
Three Movements 1. Event to PROCESS 2. Impersonal to PERSONAL 3. Rational to EMBODIED
EVENT PROCESS Church Rediscovers Her MISSION
1. Becoming the SPIRITUAL Church “ I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” - John 15:5 REAL JESUS, REAL CHURCH The Real World Longs for TRANSCENDANCE
2. Becoming the RELATIONAL Church “ By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:35 The Real World Longs for COMMUNITY
3. Becoming the SACRIFICIAL Church “ A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” - John 13:34 The Real World Longs for PURPOSE
I Need You More
I need You more, more than yesterday I need You Lord More than words can say
I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord
More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat
More than anything, and Lord as time goes by I'll be by Your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life
I need You more, more than yesterday I need You Lord More than words can say
I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord
More than the air I breathe More than the song I sing More than the next heartbeat
More than anything, and Lord as time goes by I'll be by Your side Cause I never want to go back to my old life
I need You more, more than yesterday I need You Lord More than words can say
I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord
We give you the Highest Praise!
More than the air I breathe More than the songs I sing More than anything, I need you more… I need you more…
I need You more, more than yesterday I need You Lord More than words can say
I need You more Than ever before I need You Lord, I need You Lord
How great is our God
The splendor of the King Clothed in majesty Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice
He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide And trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice
How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God And all will see how great how great is our God
Age to age He stands, and time is in His hands Beginning and the end beginning and the end
God head, three in one Father, Spirit and Son The Lion and the Lamb the Lion and the Lamb
How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God And all will see how great how great is our God
Name above all names Worthy of all praise, my heart will sing How great is our God
How great is our God, sing with me, how great is our God And all will see how great how great is our God