The Impact of Globalisation on Curricula and Classrooms Session 4
Key features of globalisation relevant to curriculum change Tendency for educational change to be framed in economic terms The marketisation of education The increased emphasis on standards, accountability and testing
Homogenising trends within global curricula Similarities between different national curriculum systems in terms of sequential structures, levels of achievement, attainment targets and learning outcomes. Similarities in the language used eg attainment targets, strands, learning outcomes. Similarities in a instrumental, technical-rational approach in that the outputs from a national curriculum are linked to the future economic success of the country.
Global curriculum changes are linked to two contradictory trends A new managerialism in education – schools become increasingly responsible for the day-to- day management, reflecting the neo-liberal free market in which teachers are providers and pupils are consumers. Centralisation of curriculum control - government has greater control over curriculum content and assessment and teachers are delivering it as technicians without power.
Curriculum change as a response to and a reaction against global forces The centralisation of curricula and assessment is a response to competing global economic forces – reflected in standardised levels and testing and national vocational qualification competencies and frameworks. Centralisation of curricula is also a reaction against the threats of global forces to national sovereignty eg balance of subjects like British History, New Zealand Society and Culture suggest that national identity is important (Priestley 2002)
Group Task Case Study 1 Current revision of the English National Curriculum How does the introduction of the E.Bacc and the priority given to certain subjects and their content reflect the response to and reaction against global forces?
Current revision of the English National Curriculum: case study The English Baccalaureate as a response to globalisation – the core subjects taught until 17-18, following economic competitors like Germany (2015) and the reduction of vocational learning (Wolf Report 2011). Specific subject value and content as a reaction against globalisation eg Gove on History teaching.
Group Task Case Study 2 Japan How do the criticisms of the Japanese curriculum in the 1990s and the subsequent reforms demonstrate a response to and reaction against global forces?
Examples of curriculum change as a response to and reaction against global forces: Japan The Japanese national curriculum has been in place since 1950 but is considered to be too rigid, uniform and knowledge-based for the neo-liberal free market which requires creative self-starters like Bill Gates In 1999 Integrated Learning and elective subjects were introduced to give students greater independence, individuality and choice However, these reforms also reinforced the Japanese belief in the interdependence of individuals within a common school and did not lead to schools with separate and competing curricula.(Cave 2001)
Group Task Case Study 3 How do France, Guinea and the USA : 1.Respond to literacy teaching for the global economy? How do they at the same time: 2. React against global pressures to accept global assumptions about good literacy teaching?
Reading lessons across Guinea, France and the USA All three countries respond to transnational assumptions that mixed methods (phonics and comprehension) constitute good, modern reading instruction All three countries react to transnational trends by indigenising the mixed methods eg loose flow of lessons in USA reflects Deweys philosophy of education compared with Comenius in France (history). Lack of synthesis (syllabic analysis) in Guinea because of colonial connotations, use of groups in US reflects equal opportunity through differentiation. Teachers in France have resisted ability grouping because it violates their cultural notion of equality as equal treatment of all. (Anderson-Levitt 2004)
Seminar discussion & plenary The pressures of globalisation have led to a tightening, rather than a loss of state control over curricula and classrooms. Discuss.
Bibliography Anderson-Levitt, K. (2004) Reading lessons in Guinea, France and the United States: local meanings or global cultures? Comparative Education Review, 48 (3) Beckett, F. (2012) A history lesson for Michael Gove, New Statesman,accessed at Cave, P. (2001) Educational Reform in Japan in the 1990s: individuality and other uncertaintities, Comparative Education, 37 (2) Osborn, M. et al (2003) A World of Difference, comparing learners across Europe,Open Univ.
Bibliography continued Priestley, M. (2002) Global discourses and national reconstruction: the impact of globalisation on curriculum policy, Curriculum Journal, 13 (1) Wolf, A.(2011) Review of Vocational Education, The Wolf Report, London, DFE