“If the statistics are boring, you’ve got the wrong numbers.” - Edward Tufte Cool Central Ohio Data Leadership Columbus December 18, 2014
Who am I?
Community Research Partners Who we are: 501(c)(3) founded in 2000 Our Mission: Strengthen communities through data, information, and knowledge Our Partners:
Community Research Partners What we do:
Community Research Partners What we do:
Community Research Partners What we do:
Who is in our community? 822,553 people
1,967,066 in the MSA
Poverty Indicators
2014 Federal Poverty Guidelines Household Size 100%133%150%200%250%300%400% 1 $11,670$15,521$17,505$23,340$29,175$35,010$46, ,73020,92123,59531,46039,32547,19062, ,79026,32129,68539,58049,47559,37079, ,85031,72135,77547,70059,62571,55095, ,91037,12041,86555,82069,77583,730111, ,97042,52047,95563,94079,92595,910127, ,03047,92054,04572,06090,075108,090144, ,09053,32060,13580,180100,225120,270160,360
Poverty Thresholds for 2013 by Size of Family and Number of Related Children Under 18 Years Size of family unit Weighted avg thresholds Related children under 18 years person (unrelated individual) 11,888 Under 65 years , years and over ,173 2 people ,142 Householder < 65 years... 15,67915,60016,057 Householder 65 years + 14,09514,08115,996 3 people ,55218,22218,75118,769 4 people ,83424,02824,42123,62423,707 5 people ,26528,97729,39828,49827,80127,376 6 people ,92533,32933,46132,77132,11031,12830,545 7 people ,38438,34938,58837,76337,18736,11534,86533,493 8 people ,48442,89043,26942,49041,80740,83939,61038,33138,006 9 people ,06551,59451,84451,15450,57549,62548,31747,13446,84245,037 Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Another way to look at poverty: The Self- Sufficiency Standard
Fairfield County
Before children enter kindergarten, their development is strongly associated with their socio-economic status (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). An extrapolation of data from several studies found that high risk children, which include those in low-income households, are likely to start kindergarten about 2 years developmentally behind their age peers who were raised in non-high risk environments. Importantly, however, in testing cognitive development in children across different levels of advantage (as measured by the parents’ own educational and intellectual levels) in controlled trials, children were able to close that achievement gap through participation in a quality preschool experience (Ramey & Ramey, 2004). Directions for Youth & Families ; Central Community House; YWCA Family Center
The particular effectiveness of the EITC is thought to be partially due to how the payments are structured. For families with very low earnings, instead of phasing out payments when families’ earnings rise, the size of the credit increases. This incentivizes employment and ultimately results in moving families from cash welfare assistance to sustained incomes. (Sherman, Trisi, & Parrott, 2013) Central Community House
The current body of literature on the effectiveness of homelessness programs points to the limitations of the Continuum of Care housing model with regard to long-term positive outcomes. Case studies and reviews (Culhane & Metraux, 2008), (Shaheen & Rio, 2007), (Rodriguez, 2013) found that shelters by themselves do not always adequately address the needs of people experiencing homelessness. Systems with early opportunities for employment, opportunities to access Rapid Re-housing, and those that customize interventions based on need are more effective and the most likely to have low recurrence rates. CSB, Faith Mission, YWCA Family Center, Huck House
Implications? Mid-Ohio Food Bank
Implications? In the US, obesity and poor nutrition and their associated health impacts are strongly associated with poverty. While overweight status among American youth has been increasing over decades regardless of sex, race, or ethnicity, the increase is greater in families living below the poverty line than those above it. Across the entire population, the highest rates of obesity are in populations with the highest poverty rates and the least education. (Miech, Kumanyika, Stettler, Link, Phelan, & Chang, 2006), (Drewnowski & Specter, 2004) Lifecare Alliance
Researchers have begun to investigate how chronic stress from poverty & temporary stress from life events can affect life outcomes. Poor academic performance and deficits in multiple cognitive functions that are “critical to success in society” are connected to the “toxic stress” caused by poverty (Evans, Brooks-Gunn, & Klebanov, 2011). Programs that are designed to ease families’ transition through life events or assist families in meeting basic needs can help reduce the harmful stress associated with shocks. Implications? Center for Family Safety & Healing; AIDS Resource Center; Maryhaven
Approximately 86,865 foreign born in Columbus *ACS yr estimates
Ack! That’s a lot of information!!
Just remember: You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own. ~ Michelle Obama
Contact information Lynnette Cook, PhD Executive Director Community Research Partners 399 East Main Street, Suite 100 Columbus, Ohio P: