Moodle Overview By Abi Ball
How do I access Moodle? Direct URL – (Link from the button on the gateway page) Login using your p number and PIP password Click on My courses on the left hand menu – then click on your course title
What will my course look like?
How do I edit my course?
How do I add content to my course?
What do the icons mean? Move Indent (Outdent) x2Copy or duplicate Edit Delete Show (Hide) Assign roles to specific resource or activity
Differences in terminology BlackboardMoodle Web linkURL DiscussionForum SurveyFeedback
In praise of Moodle In the Faculty of Business we have been using Moodle for a number of years now to deliver our online Global MBA. We had the usual anxieties when moving from our previous VLE, but the change proved simple. I am not particularly adept technology wise but Moodle is so intuitive and flexible it took a relatively short time to get the basics. Having used Brookes Virtual (Blackboard), I think there is simply no comparison. Moodle is definitely much more user friendly and easy to use. I also think the students will find it so much easier and will not have any problem finding their way around it. Barbara Hocking, Senior Lecturer Global MBA, Business School
Still in praise of Moodle Our students are all mature students (age range yrs) and none get much more than 2 days to look at Moodle before term starts. We find that our students take very easily to the Moodle VLE and that it is embraced by them completely. As an administrator the benefits include the ability of students to upload their assignments wherever they are in the world and also for our tutors to be able to mark these and upload marks and feedback as required. The resulting reports are easily downloadable and usable. John Scholefield, Programme Administrator, Business School
Where can I get help with Moodle? Faculty of Business DMELDs (Digital Media and E-Learning Developers) Emma Coles - Tel: Heather Watters - Tel: Faculty of Health and Life Sciences DMELDs Irmgard Huppe - Tel: Win Ko - Tel: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences DMELDs Tom Cosgrove - Tel: Jim Hyndman - Tel: Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment DMELDs Patrick Cheeseman - Tel: Rebecca Price - Tel: Rob Woodward - Tel: Media Workshop Abigail Ball - Tel: Chess Black - Tel: Richard Francis - Tel:
Media Workshop Moodle Training Sessions Available for: Non faculty staff Faculty staff who are unable to attend their DMELD workshops Booking is required as places are limited ( Moodle Quickstart Guide – RADAR and all Moodle courses