2020 Recommendation Janusz Dygaszewicz Central Statistical Office of Poland
Introduction: ◦ Added new paragraph (para 5) concerning initial informations about benefits of outsourcing; Drivers for technological innovation: ◦ Added two paragraphs (para 6 and 7) concerning the innovation resulting from the report conducted by the Task Force on Innovation (because of lack of separate chapter on Census Innovation) 2
Outsourcing ◦ Text revised generally to reflect greater emphasis on the potential importance of outsourcing, and to be more consistent with the 3 rd revision of UN’s Principles and Recommendations. Thus: Old paragraphs 113 and 114 merged and revised (new para 15); New paragraph at 16 on the importance of: - understanding objectives, costs, and public sensitivity; - the need for confidentiality; and - building in flexibility to allow for change. 3
Outsourcing ◦ New text added at para 13 to identify potential components for outsourcing, including: - printing of questionnaires and other documents - recruitment and training of field staff - publicity campaign - translation of field documents - design of field management/form tracking systems - provision of call centre and other support services - primary data capture and coding - design and construction of online web service
Outsourcing Old paragraph 116 split into new paras 18 and 19 New text added at: - para 20 urging census agencies to consider a number of key criteria (listed at (a) to (f)); - para 21 stressing (again) the importance of confidentiality assurance and public confidence; - para 22 regarding the guarantee of quality; - para 23 recommending that contract bidders provide samples of their work. 5
Data collection (1/2) ◦ Changed title from Census collection to Data Collection; ◦ Changed para 30 (old 123) on the provision of credentials and the method of delivery; ◦ Added new para 34 concerning advice about Internet response option for NSI’s (i.e promotion and attitude the society to modern technology); 6
Data collection (2/2) ◦ Added new paragraphs - para 39 on the use CATI method to collect census data; ◦ Changed para 42 (old para 132) concerning using hand-held in the next round of census. This paragraph describes technical issues need to be considered in using these devices. 7
Census management software: ◦ Changed title of section from Managing field operation to Census management software; ◦ Revised para 47a (old 137a) – revised the paragraph concerning an electronic central register of forms. 8
GIS technology ◦ Added new paragraphs concerning using GIS technology, as new subject in accordance to 2010 Census Recommendation. Data capture method ◦ Added new text in para 58b (old 142b) concerning influence preparatory work on construction of natural language dictionary on efficiency of coding; ◦ Added new para 64 concerning early examination of standard tables of processed results to avoid coding biases. 9
Introduced new section (IX. C. para 74-85) „Use of technology in adopting new census methodologies” in the place of the section „A developing population and housing census using administrative register”, which was presented on the previous conference in The use of technology in the census depends on the applied methodology. Technology, which is used in a register-based censuses is applied to a lesser extent than that used in the combined censuses, where apart from technology used for administrative data, following technologies are used additionally: GIS, CAWI, CATI, CAPI or OMR, OCR technologies, etc. 10
Issues for discussion: ◦ What about Big data ? - new source, new methodology, new technology – Hadoop, new approach 11
Thank you for your attention 12