1 Grade 1 Teacher Directions C ommon F ormative A ssessment Four Quarter Four Reading Informational Text Four Quarter Four Reading Informational Text.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 1 Teacher Directions C ommon F ormative A ssessment Four Quarter Four Reading Informational Text Four Quarter Four Reading Informational Text

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 2 Quarter Four Informational Text Common Formative Assessments Team Members and Writers This assessment was developed working backwards by identifying the deep understanding of the two passages in order to write a performance task prompt. Key Ideas were identified to support constructed responses and key details align with the selected response questions. All questions support students background knowledge in order to answer the performance task prompt. Thank you to all of those who reviewed and edited and a special appreciation to Vicki Daniels and her amazing editing skills. Haley ChristensenMelissa HancockSandy MainesKelly Rooke Tammy ColeJamie IncrovatoGina McLainJill Russo Lindsay CrowellGinger JayShawna MunsonLeslie Sell Deborah DelplancheJenn JohnsonChristina OrozcoErin Shepherd Lindsay GarciaDovina IsraelTeresa PortingaErin VanDyle Heather GiardKo KagawaJudy RamerChristy Walters Brooke GodfreyKimberly LawsErin ReamerMelanie Winters Christine GoldmannAlfonso LuleSara RetzlaffAlia Zagyva Jamie GoldsteinBerta LuleJennifer Robbins

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 3 Important Information A.This booklet is divided into two parts… 1.Teacher Resources a.Page 1 – 20 2.Student Assessment b.Page’s 21– 42 This booklet is intended for assessing reading informational standards RI3, 6 and 9 at the end of the fourth quarter as well as Research Targets 2,3 and 4 as applicable. Do NOT allow students to read the passages before the assessment. Students who do not read independently should be given the assessment as a listening comprehension test. Do NOT read the passage to the students until it is time for the assessment. Be sure you have printed a teacher’s Edition Printing Instructions… Be sure you have printed a teacher’s Edition ! Please print the teachers directions (pages 1 – 20). Read the directions before giving the assessment. Print pages 21– 42 for each student. This would print each student page as an 8 ½ X 11 page… or login to the Print Shop and order pre-assessments and/or CFAs. NEW CCSS Lexile Band (range) Grade Band Current Lexile Band CCSS Lexile Band* K–1N/A 2–3450L–725L420L–820L 4–5645L–845L740L–1010L 6–8860L–1010L925L–1185L L–1115L1050L–1335L 11–CCR1070L–1220L1185L–1385L

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Grade 3 Sample Path to DOK - 1 Path to DOK - 2 End Goal DOK Guide  DOK 1 - KaDOK 1 - KcDOK 1 - CfDOK 2 - ChDOK 2 - ClDOK 2 - APnStandard Path to DOK 2 Informational Text Learning Progressions Locate specific text features (i.e., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) from a text read and discussed in class. Define (understand and use) Standard Academic Language: key words, sidebars, hyperlinks, relevant, efficiently, topic and text features/tools. Answers questions about the purpose of different text features and search tools. Concept Development Understands that search or text features (tools) can provide information about a text or topic. Locate information using key words, sidebars or hyperlinks (and other search tools/text features) relevant to a topic. Obtain and Interpret information using key words, sidebars or hyperlinks relevant to a topic. RI3.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. Student Name 4 Independent Readers: Students read selections independently without reading assistance. Students complete the selected response answers by shading in the bubble. Students complete the constructed response answers by writing a response for each question. Non-Independent Readers: (Please indicate on record sheet if student is Not an Independent Reader) Read the selection and questions aloud to the student in English or Spanish. Read the selected response answers to the student. Read the constructed response answers to the student. You may write the answer the student says unless he/she is able to do so. Kindergarten Kindergarten teachers should follow the kindergarten teacher directions as “Listening Comprehension.” Types of Readers Note: Selected and Constructed Response Questions Note: The constructed response questions do NOT assess writing proficiency and should not be scored as such. Selected Response - Quarters Students answer 10 Selected Response Questions about the passages. Constructed Response - Quarters 1 and 2 Students answer 2 Short Response Constructed Response Questions about the passages. Constructed Response - Quarters 3 and 4 Students answer 2 Research Constructed Response Questions about the passages. Class Check-Lists (Reading Learning Progressions form) There is a learning progression “Class Check-List” for each standard assessed. This is to be used by the teacher for recording or monitoring progress if desired (optional). Scoring Options Class Summary Assessment Sheet This is a spreadsheet to record each quarter’s pre-assessment and CFA. Selected Responses (SRs) are given a score of “0” or “1.” Constructed Response (CRs) in quarters 1 and 2 are given a score on a rubric continuum of “0 – 3,” and in quarters 3 and 4 a research score on a rubric continuum of “0-2." Write and Revise Write and Revise are added to the pre-assessments and CFAs in quarters 2, 3 and 4. They are not “officially” scored on any form, but will be scored on SBAC. Student Self-Scoring Students have a self-scoring sheet to color happy faces green if their answers are correct or red if they are not. Student Reflection The last page in the student assessment book is a reflection page. Students can reflect about each question they missed and why. Teacher prompts may help student’s reflect (such as: What was the question asking, can you rephrase it?). Scoring forms are available at:

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 5 Write and Revise The Common Core standards are integrative in nature. Student proficiency develops and is assessed on a continuum. The HSD, Common Formative Assessment (CFA) for quarter four includes six write and revise assessed categories to prepare our students for this transition in conjunction with our primary focus of Reading Informational Text. Quarter 4 1.Students “Read to Write” integrating basic writing and language revision skills. Write and Revise Assessed Categories for Quarter Four a.Writing: Write and Revise (revision of short text) b.Language: Language and Vocabulary Use (accurate use of words and phrases) c.Language: Edit and Clarify (accurate use of grammar, mechanics and syntax)

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 6 Important Please Read Before Starting Assessment Quarter Four Completing a Performance Task Performance Tasks Have Two Parts The underlined sections are those scored on SBAC. 2 days Please take 2 days to complete a performance task. Part 1Part 2 Read two paired passages. Take notes while reading (note-taking). Answer SR and CR research questions about sources Plan your essay (brainstorming -pre-writing). Write, Revise and Edit (W.5) Writing a Full Composition or Speech Part 1 Part 1 of a performance task prepares students to write a full informational composition. Students take notes as they read. They answer questions. Students may use their notes and question responses to do Part 2. Teacher Directions for Part 1: 1.Be sure students have a note-taking page for each passage. 2.Review how to take notes before the assessment. You may choose to practice using the note- taking page throughout the quarter during regular classroom instruction. 3.Students have directions in their assessment booklet. Remind them to read their directions (these are written very similar to SBAC’s assessment directions). Key Components of Part 1: A teacher’s note-taking form with directions and a note-taking form for your students to use for this assessment is provided, or you may use whatever formats you’ve had past success with before 1. Note-Taking: Students take notes as they read passages to gather information about their sources. Students are allowed to use their notes to later write a full composition (essay). Note-taking strategies should be taught as structured lessons throughout the school year in grades K – 6. A teacher’s note-taking form with directions and a note-taking form for your students to use for this assessment is provided, or you may use whatever formats you’ve had past success with. Please have students practice using the note-taking page in this document before the actual assessment if you choose to use it. 2. Research: In Part 1 of a performance task students answer constructed response questions written to measure a student’s ability to use research skills. These CR questions are scored using the SBAC Research Rubrics rather than the short response rubric used in quarters 1 and 2. The SBAC Research Rubrics assesses research skills students need in order to complete a performance task.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Note-Taking in Part 1 of a Performance Task Teachers.... Feel free to use the note-taking forms if you wish or use what you’ve been using in your classrooms and have had success with. If you use the provided note-taking form, your students need to have had practice with the form before the assessment. Each student will need a note-taking form for each passage. The form is located in the teacher’s instructional section. All underlined words on the note-taking form are grade-level standard specific academic language. Important information about note-taking: During a Performance Task, students who take notes as they re-read a passage for specific details that promote research skills (main idea/topic, key details, conclusion) will later be able to find answers to questions more efficiently. Reading the questions first and then looking in the text for the answer is a good practice, however not all answers to higher level or inferred questions have explicit answers within a text. 1.Read the text through to get the “gist” without the distraction of finding answers or note-taking. 2.Re-read the text. Take notes using a note-taking form. 3.Read and answer the questions. Students may find some answers to highlight if they are not inferred or explicit although many research questions are of a higher level. 7

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Research Note-Taking In the Classroom The note-taking forms are scaffolded in grades K – 6 following the recommended SBAC research targets and embedded standards. Research Informational Text Standards: (RI.3: Standard 3 is included as resource in the development of research and writing as it supports connecting information between and within texts). RI.9: Final Task Goal: Students are able to compare and contrast – find similarities and differences within or between texts for a specific purpose. The note-taking forms in this assessment support the above goal and the following assessed research targets: Research Target 2 Locate, Select, Interpret and Integrate Information Research Target 3 Gather/ Distinguish Relevance of Information Research Target 4 Cite evidence to support opinions or ideas Writing Research Standards: Writing Standard 7: Shows and builds knowledge about a topic Writing Standard 8: Analyzes information for a purpose Writing Standard 9: Supporting with evidence and reason 8

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 9 Write one new key idea you learned about the main topic.. part of the passage Instruct students to look at a part of the passage they liked or one you’ve chosen for them (a paragraph or section). main topic key idea main topic Ask students “Does this part of the paragraph or section tell you something new about the main topic? (remind them of the main topic). This is a key idea about the main topic. part of the passage Instruct students to look at a part of the passage they liked or one you’ve chosen for them (a paragraph or section). main topic key idea main topic Ask students “Does this part of the paragraph or section tell you something new about the main topic? (remind them of the main topic). This is a key idea about the main topic. key details Ask students to look for key details that explain more about the “something new.” key details key idea key details give evidence to support a key idea (or idea). Example if the main topic is about dogs and... key Idea “The dog likes to play,” (is the key Idea), key details Then some key details might be: the dog likes to play fetch. the dog likes to play with the ball. key details Ask students to look for key details that explain more about the “something new.” key details key idea key details give evidence to support a key idea (or idea). Example if the main topic is about dogs and... key Idea “The dog likes to play,” (is the key Idea), key details Then some key details might be: the dog likes to play fetch. the dog likes to play with the ball Grade 1 Explain more key details about the new key idea you learned. You can use words and pictures to tell about it. Differentiation: In grade one you can scaffold students by starting with writing just a key idea and move toward writing key details. Students who would benefit from enrichment can continue on with more sections or paragraphs. Students who need more direct instruction – teach each part in a mini lesson. These concepts can be taught separately: Main topic Key Ideas Key Details ELL Students may need each part taught using language (sentence) frames emphasizing transitional words. Differentiation: In grade one you can scaffold students by starting with writing just a key idea and move toward writing key details. Students who would benefit from enrichment can continue on with more sections or paragraphs. Students who need more direct instruction – teach each part in a mini lesson. These concepts can be taught separately: Main topic Key Ideas Key Details ELL Students may need each part taught using language (sentence) frames emphasizing transitional words. 33 Remember students will need to have a note- taking form for each passage. R E- read SEARCH SOMETHING NEW EXPLAIN MORE AGAIN and AGAIN RELEVANT OR NOT? CONCLUDE HAVE EVIDENCE

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 10 Name_____________________ Passage_________________ Write one new key idea you learned about the main topic. Explain more key details about the new key idea you learned. You can use words and pictures to tell about it. Grade 1 Note-Taking Form

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 11 Part 2 In Part 2 of a performance task students plan their full informational composition. Teachers may provide a planning graphic organizer that follows a specific text structure for students to organize their writing piece. Students then write, revise and edit a first draft. Students complete their final drafts as their performance task “product.” Teacher Directions for Part 2: 1.Be sure students have reviewed how they will be scored on their full informational composition before the assessment (discuss the student rubric). 2.Review how to organize information using a planning graphic organizer before the assessment. You may choose to practice this throughout the quarter during regular classroom instruction. 3.Students should be familiar enough with your classroom writing process routine (write-revise-edit – standard W.5), before writing a full composition. Key Components of Part 2: Teachers can provide a graphic organizer for students to plan their writing. The organizer should follow the text structure you want students to use (usually indicated in the prompt or passage). 1.Planning: Students have completed Part 1 of a performance task. They now use their notes and question responses to begin planning to write a full informational composition. Planning strategies should be taught as structured lessons throughout the school year in grades K – 6. Teachers can provide a graphic organizer for students to plan their writing. The organizer should follow the text structure you want students to use (usually indicated in the prompt or passage). Plan, Write, Revise and Edit checklists have been provided in the teacher’s directions as a guide. Please supply paper for your students. 2.Write-Revise-Edit: In Part 2 of a performance task students write –revise and edit a first draft of their full informational composition. Plan, Write, Revise and Edit checklists have been provided in the teacher’s directions as a guide. Please supply paper for your students. 3.Write a Full Informational Composition: Students write a final draft. They are aware of the scoring procedures indicated on the informational rubrics and from the directions in their assessment. Options Options for Part 2 of a Performance Task Writing a full composition as part of a performance task is a complex process of a DOK-4! You may choose to scaffold Part 2 in whichever way is best for your students. This could be modeling the entire process and working through it together as a class. Your students may need practice with planning. Your students may need practice with the writing process or just learning about the writing rubric. Please use your own judgment for scaffolding and differentiation if you feel your students are not yet ready to write a full composition.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Writing Informational Text Planning Checklist – Grade 1 Language and Writing Criteria 1 Point2 Points3 Points4 Points Purpose  Context – topic, question(s) to be answered  Focus/Controlling Idea  Evidence of gathered information or understanding something about the topic Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose Attempts to identify a topic but lacks a focus or may have more than one topic or confusing topic as stated Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose. Has topic and attempts a focus/information, but focus may shift or not be relevant to the topic chosen. Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose. Topic (context) and focus/controlling idea are clearly stated (gr K-2). Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose. Explains something more about the topic OR a connection is made between topic & broader ideas. Clearly presents the topic and focus/ controlling idea. W.1.7 I understand the writing directions (prompt). W.1.7 I read each text. W.1.7 I know what the topic is about. W.1.7 I read each text again and take notes. Using a graphic organizer… W.1.8 I gather information about the topic for the beginning of my writing. W.1.8 I gather more information about the topic for the middle of my writing. W.1.8I gather information for the ending of my writing. 12

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. Writing Informational Text Revise Checklist – Grade 1 Language and Writing Criteria1 Point2 Points3 Points4 Points Organization  Overall coherence  Appropriate organizational patterns  Transitions connect ideas (e.g., compare-contrast, description, cause-effect)  May have headings, numbering, Attempts introduction, body, and conclusion, but one or more parts are missing Introduction, body, and conclusion are evident, but may lack clarity or coherence (e.g., attempts to connect ideas, but may not be logical or make sense). Has overall coherence (K-2). Provides a concluding statement or section (gr, 1, 2). Intro, body, and conclusion support focus. Uses several transitions appropriately (e.g., because, since, and, but, also, for example, since) to connect or group ideas. Details/Elaboration  Naming  Describing, defining  Explaining  Comparing  Examples, facts, citations  Sensory and concrete details supporting topic  Analogies  Illustrations, graphics No details provided or attempts to add details to drawings or writing which may be random, inaccurate, or irrelevant Some elaboration strategies are evident in drawings or writing (gr K-2), or with support/ questioning from peers or adults (gr K -1). Ideas may not be fully elaborated or details may be insufficient to support topic Some authentic details, definitions, facts, text evidence support focus. Adds labels or captions to illustration, drawing, visuals, charts/tables, or diagram to enhance details, facts, and ideas Has a depth of information. Insightful, elaborates using a variety of relevant details, definitions, examples, quotes, text evidence to support focus-concepts. Voice and Tone  Knowledgeable person  Vocabulary – Precise language  Sentence structure  Sentence variety Generally uses basic, incorrect, or below grade level vocabulary when dictating (K) or writing. Vocabulary use has minor errors. Dictates, writes, and expands simple complete sentences. Produces complete simple (K), compound (g, 1- 2),sentences. Appropriate use of vocabulary (nouns, plurals, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverb, content-specific). Maintains voice/tone of knowledgeable person conveying information. Knows when to use formal-informal Language. Uses effective, precise vocabulary and variety of sentence structures. Beginning W.1a I name my topic. W.1a I use words about my topic I have learned. Middle W.1b I write more details about my topic. W.1b I use drawings when it helps me tell more about my topic. W.1b My details connect together (transitions, similar ideas). Ending W.1c I write an ending about my topic. W.1c My ending tells only about my topic. W.1c I use words to show it’s the end of my writing (transitional). Vocabulary (Variants of Word Meaning) when appropriate to task L.1.5 I use words that almost mean the same to tell about my topic (nuances). L.1.5a I group words that belong together (cat, fury, meow). L.1.5b I use words to explain what something is (a duck is a bird that swims). L.1.5c I use words correctly because I know what they mean. L.1.5d I use different kinds of verbs to tell about my topic (shades of meaning). L.1.6 I use words that are about my topic (topic specific). L.1.1j I write short and longer sentences. 13

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Writing Informational Text Edit Checklist – Grade 1 Language and Writing Criteria 1 Point2 Points3 Points4 Points Conventions of Standard English  Grammar  Usage  Mechanics(capitalization, punctuation, spelling Edits with support from peers or adults (gr 2-3). Uses below grade-level basic mechanics with frequent errors. Edits with support from peers or adults (gr 2). Uses grade-appropriate basic mechanics and word use with some error Edits with support /resources (gr 2). Minor errors do not interfere with reader understanding (e.g., capitalization,punctuation; spelling.) Edits with support /resources. Has few or no errors in grammar, word usage, or mechanics as appropriate to grade. Grammar and Mechanics (when appropriate to task) L.1.2a I capitalize dates and names of people. L.1.2b I use end punctuation for sentences. L.1.2c I use commas in dates. I use commas in a group of words. L.1.2d I spell words I have learned. L.1.2e I can sound spell new words. Word Usage (when appropriate to task) L.1.1a I print all upper and lowercase letters as needed. L.1.1b-c I use nouns correctly (common, proper and possessive). L.1.1d I use pronouns correctly. L.1.1e I use verbs correctly (past, present and future). L.1.1f I use adjectives to describe. L.1.1g I use words to connect my ideas (and, but, or, so, because). L.1.1h I use a, an and the correctly. L.1.1i I can use words to explain when or where something is (prepositions). 14

Informational/Explanatory Writing Rubric Grades K - 2 Purpose and Organization Language and Writing Criteria 1 Point2 Points3 Points4 Points Purpose  Context – topic, question(s) to be answered  Focus/Controlling Idea  Evidence of gathered information or understanding something about the topic Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose Attempts to identify a topic but lacks a focus or may have more than one topic or confusing topic as stated Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose. Has topic and attempts a focus/information, but focus may shift or not be relevant to the topic chosen. Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose. Topic (context) and focus/controlling idea are clearly stated (gr K-2). Uses a combination of drawing, dictation, & writing (K) to compose. Explains something more about the topic OR a connection is made between topic & broader ideas. Clearly presents the topic and focus/ controlling idea. Organization  Overall coherence  Appropriate organizational patterns  Transitions connect ideas (e.g., compare-contrast, description, cause-effect)  May have headings, numbering, Attempts introduction, body, and conclusion, but one or more parts are missing Introduction, body, and conclusion are evident, but may lack clarity or coherence (e.g., attempts to connect ideas, but may not be logical or make sense). Has overall coherence (K-2). Provides a concluding statement or section (gr, 1, 2). Intro, body, and conclusion support focus. Uses several transitions appropriately (e.g., because, since, and, but, also, for example, since) to connect or group ideas. Language and Elaboration of Evidence Details/Elaboration  Naming  Describing, defining  Explaining  Comparing  Examples, facts, citations  Sensory and concrete details supporting topic  Analogies  Illustrations, graphics No details provided or attempts to add details to drawings or writing which may be random, inaccurate, or irrelevant Some elaboration strategies are evident in drawings or writing (gr K- 2), or with support/ questioning from peers or adults (gr K -1). Ideas may not be fully elaborated or details may be insufficient to support topic Some authentic details, definitions, facts, text evidence support focus. Adds labels or captions to illustration, drawing, visuals, charts/tables, or diagram to enhance details, facts, and ideas. Has a depth of information. Insightful, elaborates using a variety of relevant details, definitions, examples, quotes, text evidence to support focus/concepts. Voice and Tone  Knowledgeable person  Vocabulary – Precise language  Sentence structure  Sentence variety Generally uses basic, incorrect, or below grade level vocabulary when dictating (K) or writing. Vocabulary use has minor errors. Dictates, writes, and expands simple complete sentences. Produces complete simple (K), compound (g, 1- 2),sentences. Appropriate use of vocabulary (nouns, plurals, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverb, content-specific). Uses adult/peer feedback to revise. Maintains voice/tone of knowledgeable person conveying information. Knows when to use formal- informal language. Uses effective, precise vocabulary and variety of sentence structures. Conventions Conventions of Standard English  Grammar  Usage  Mechanics(capitalization, punctuation, spelling) Edits with support from peers or adults (gr 2). Uses below grade-level basic mechanics with frequent errors. Edits with support from peers or adults (gr 2). Uses grade-appropriate basic mechanics and word use with some errors. Edits with support /resources (gr 2). Minor errors do not interfere with reader understanding (e.g., capitalization,punctuation; spelling.) Edits with support /resources. Has few or no errors in grammar, word usage, or mechanics as appropriate to grade. 15

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 16 SBAC Reading Assessment Three Assessed Research Targets (Constructed Response Rubrics) Constructed Response Research Rubrics Target 2 Locate, Select, Interpret and Integrate Information. 2 The response gives sufficient evidence of the ability to locate, select, interpret and integrate information within and among sources of information. 1 The response gives limited evidence of the ability to locate, select, interpret and integrate information within and among sources of information. 0 A response gets no credit if it provides no evidence of the ability to locate, select, interpret and integrate information within and among sources of information. Constructed Response Research Rubrics Target 3 evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information such as fact from opinion 2 The response gives sufficient evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information such as fact from opinion. 1 The response gives limited evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information such as fact from opinion. 0 A response gets no credit if it provides no evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information such as fact from opinion. Constructed Response Research Rubrics Target 4 ability to cite evidence to support opinions and ideas 2 The response gives sufficient evidence of the ability to cite evidence to support opinions or ideas. 1 The response gives limited evidence of the ability to cite evidence to support opinions or ideas. 0 The response gives no evidence of the ability to cite evidence to support opinions or ideas.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Tell about two American symbols and what they stand for, from the text American Symbols. RI.1.3 Research Target 3 Constructed Response RI.1.3, Research Target 3 Quarter 4 CFA Research Constructed Response Answer Key Toward RI.1.3 Research Target 3 Research Target 3 Evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information such as fact from opinion. RI.1.3: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Research Target 3 Evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information such as fact from opinion Teacher /Rubric “Language Response” The response: gives sufficient evidence of the ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information. Students must distinguish what is relevant about two American symbols using information found only in the text American Symbols. Relevant information from the text would include details from these American Symbols: (1) the Bald Eagle, (2) the American Flag, (3) the White House, (4) the Statue of Liberty and (5) Mount Rushmore. Students may give any details mentioned in the text that support the purpose of what the American Symbols stand for. Students should be specific. Examples should include: (1) The Bald Eagle stands for strength, (2) The American Flag stands for the original 13 colonies on the stripes and the 50 states on the stars, (3) the White House stands for leadership, (4) the Statue of Liberty stands for friendship and (5) Mount Rushmore stands for freedom. Students should not put extraneous details from the text that do not support the purpose of each symbol or from background knowledge or experience. Student “Language” Response Example 2 The student names two symbols and what they specifically stand for using information from the text without extraneous information (i.e., the question does not ask why). The bald eagle is the symbol of strength. The White House is the symbol of leadership 1 The student names two symbols but does not give specific information about what each stands for. The Bald Eagle and White House are American symbols. 0 The student does not give any information to answer the prompt. I like bald eagles.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Choose one American symbol. Tell one thing you learned about it from the text, and one thing you can tell about it from the photograph. RI 1.6 Research Target 2 Constructed Response RI.1.6 Research Target 2 Quarter 4 CFA Research Constructed Response Answer Key Toward RI.1.6 Research Target 2 Research Target 2 Locate, Select, Interpret and Integrate Information RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. Constructed Response Research Rubric Target 2 Locate, Select, Interpret and Integrate Information. Teacher /Rubric “Language Response” The response: gives sufficient evidence of the ability to locate and select information about the prompt. Students must locate and then select the information from the text American Symbols in order to answer the prompt. Students should locate the specific symbol in the text and select information they wish to use to answer the prompt. The response: gives sufficient evidence of the ability to interpret and integrate information about the prompt. Students interpret information about what they’ve learned from the text and photograph. Students integrate information from the text and photograph. Responses could include: (1) the Bald Eagle, (2) the American Flag, (3) the White House, (4) the Statue of Liberty and (5) Mount Rushmore. Responses can be many and varied but key is that no extraneous information (not in text) is used to answer the prompt and there should be information from both the text and the photograph. Student “Language” Response Example 2 Student identifies the symbol and gives two details from the text and 1 detail from the photograph. I chose the Statue of Liberty. It is in New York. In the picture the Statue of Liberty is holding a torch in her hand. She was given to American by France. 1 Student identifies the symbol and gives two details from the text, but none from the photograph. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. France gave it to us 0 The student does not respond to the prompt. I live in America.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Using both passages, tell why there are more bald eagles now than there were before. RI 1.9 Research Target 4 Constructed Response RI.9 Research Target 4 Quarter 4 CFA Research Constructed Response Answer Key Constructed Response Research Rubrics Target 4 Ability to cite evidence to support opinions and ideas. Teacher /Rubric “Language Response” The response: gives sufficient evidence of the ability cite evidence to support an opinion or idea. The prompt asks students to explain why there are more bald eagles now than before. Students should cite evidence from both texts. Student responses from the text American Symbols could include: (1) there are more bald eagles because people work to help protect the bird. Students responses from Bald Eagles are Safe, could include: (1) Bald eagles used to be in danger, (2) they had been killed by hunters, (3) they were hurt by DDT, (4) farmers and hunters do not use DDT any longer. Responses must include information from both texts to support the idea that there are more bald eagles now that there were before. Responses can’t be extraneous information. Student “Language” Response Example 2 Student supports the prompt with 5 details, some from both text. Bald eagles used to be in danger. Now people protect the birds. We don’t hunt them and farmers don’t use DDT anymore. There are also laws to protect them. 1 Student supports the prompt with 3 details from one text only. We don’t hunt them and farmers don’t use DDT anymore. There are also laws to protect them. 0 The response does not support the prompt. I like bald eagles. Toward RI.1.9 Research Target 4 Target 4 Ability to cite evidence to support opinions and ideas. RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 20 Quarter 4 CFA Selected Response Answer Key

21 Grade 1 Common Formative Assessment Reading Informational Text Name_______________ Four Quarter Four Reading Informational Text Four Quarter Four Reading Informational Text

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 22 Student Directions : Part 1 Your assignment: You will read two texts about American Symbols 1.Read both texts. 2.Take notes about the texts. 3.Answer the questions. Part 2 Your assignment: You are driving through America with your family. Write and draw about three American symbols you see on your trip. Tell about each symbol using facts and details from the passages and photographs. 1.Plan your writing. You may use your notes and answers. 2.Write – Revise and Edit your first draft. 3.Write a final draft about American Symbols. How you will be scored 1. Purpose: Did you write only about the topic? Organization: Do your ideas go together? Do they make sense? 2. Elaboration of Evidence: Did you show evidence to support your topic? Language and Vocabulary: Did you use words about the topic? Are your sentences easy to read and understand? 3. Conventions: Did you follow rules for capitals, punctuation and spelling?

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 23 The Bald Eagle The bald eagle is a symbol. It stands for strength. 40 years ago, bald eagles were dying. People worked to help protect the birds. Now there are more eagles. American Flag Our flag is a symbol, too. It is also called "Old Glory." Our flag has 13 stripes. There is one stripe for each original colony. It has 50 stars. There is one star for each state. It is red, white, and blue. White House The White House is a symbol. It stands for leadership. It is where the president lives and works. Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty is a symbol too. It is in New York. The people of France gave it to us. It stands for friendship and welcomes others to America. Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore is a symbol. It stands for freedom. The faces of four presidents are carved into the mountain. American Symbols

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 24 1 The bald eagle is safe. It used to be in danger. The bird is not in danger now. 2 It is good that the eagle is back. It is a beautiful bird. It is the symbol of our nation. Many people work to keep it safe. 3 Many bald eagles used to be in danger. They had been killed by hunters. They were hurt by DDT. DDT is a spray farmers used to kill insects on farms. 4 There were not many bald eagles left a few years ago. Now there are many. Farmers do not use DDT now. Hunters do not kill bald eagles now. It is now against the law. 5 Eagles are not in danger. But we still protect them. New wildlife laws help to keep bald eagles safe. Bald Eagles are Safe

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 1.Which American symbol stands for leadership? RI.1.3 A.The bald eagle B.The American flag C.The White House D. Mount Rushmore 25 Name ______________ Standard RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. 2.What does the Statue of Liberty stand for? RI.1.3 A.It stands for strength. B.It stands for the 50 states. C.It stands for leadership. D.It stands for friendship. Standard RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 26 4.Why do we have American symbols? RI.1.3 A.They tell about America. B.They are red, white and blue. C.They welcome others to America. D.They are carved into Mount Rushmore. 3. Why does the American flag have 50 stars? RI.1.3 A.40 years ago, bald eagles were dying. B.There is one star for each state. C.There is one star for each original colony. D.There is one star for each President. Standard RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Standard RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Tell about two American symbols and what they stand for, from the text American Symbols. (RI.1.3) (Teacher Only) Final Score_____

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 6.What is another name for this picture? RI.1.6 A.Strength B.Old Glory C.Friendship D.Mount Rushmore 28 Standard RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. 7. What American symbol is this a picture of? RI.1.6 A.The bald eagle B.The American flag C.The White House D.Mount Rushmore Standard RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond What can you learn about the American flag from both the text and the photograph? RI.1.6 A.It is also called “Old Glory”. B.It has one stripe for each original colony. C.It has 13 stripes and 50 stars. D.It has one star for each state. 9.According to the text, which symbol stands for freedom? RI.1.6 A. B. C. D. Standard RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. Standard RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Choose one American symbol. Tell one thing you learned about it from the text, and one thing you can tell about it from the photograph. RI.1.6 (Teacher Only) Final Score_____

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Which American symbol do both passages tell about? RI.1.9 A.The bald eagle B.The American flag C.The White House D.The Statue of Liberty Standard RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). 12. Which photograph can you find in the passage Bald Eagles are Safe? RI.1.9 A. B. C. D. Standard RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond What do both passages tell you about bald eagles? RI.1.9 A.It is a beautiful bird. B.40 years ago they were dying. C.They were hurt by DDT and hunters. D.People work to protect them. 13. What can you learn about bald eagles by looking at the photographs in both passages? RI.1.9 A.They used to be in danger. B.They have a white head and beak. C.Now there are more eagles. D.They have wings. Standard RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). Standard RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Using both passages, tell why there are more bald eagles now than there were before..(RI.1.9) (Teacher Only) Final Score_____

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Read the sentences below. (Write and Revise W.2) I went to see the Statue of Liberty. She is very tall. She is holding a torch in her hand. ___________________________ Which sentence below would best fit in the blank? A.I like many other symbols too. B.Have you ever seen the White House? C.She stands for friendship. D.The American flag is important. 17. Read the sentences below: (Write and Revise W.2 ) The White House is a symbol. The bald eagle is a symbol. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol. I like the White House. Which sentence does not belong? A.The White House is a symbol. B.The bald eagle is a symbol. C.The Statue of Liberty is a symbol. D.I like the White House.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Mount Rushmore is a symbol. (Write and Revise L.1.c. L.6) Which word or phrase could be used to replace symbol? A.mountain B.sign of something important C.sign of something not important D.hill 19. The bird is not in danger now. (Write and Revise L.1.c, L.6) Which word or phrase could be used to replace danger? A.trouble B.a nest C.peace D.happy

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Read the sentence below. (Write and Revise L.2.c) The American flag is red white and blue. Which sentence shows the correct way to place commas? A. The American flag is red white, and blue. B. The American flag is, red, white, and blue. C. The American flag is red, white, and blue. D. The American flag is red, white and blue. 21. Which sentence has the correct capitals? (Write and Revise L.1.2a) A.The white house and statue of liberty are symbols. B.The White House and statue of liberty are symbols. C.The white house and Statue of Liberty are symbols. D.The White House and Statue of Liberty are symbols.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 37 Your assignment: You are driving through America with your family. Write and draw about three American symbols you see on your trip. Tell about each symbol using facts and details from the passages and photographs. 1.Plan your writing. You may use your notes and answers. You may use a graphic organizer. 2.Write – Revise and Edit your first draft. Your teacher will give you paper. 3. Now you will write your final draft about what you see on your trip. You may use your notes, graphic organizer and the questions you answered, to finish writing your final draft.

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 38 Name____________________________

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 39 Name____________________________

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 40 STOP Close your books and wait for instructions!

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond Standard RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Color the happy face green if your answer was correct. Color the happy face red if your answer was not correct. Shade in the box to show your written score Standard RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text Standard RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).

Rev. Control: HSD – OSP and © Susan Richmond 42 Question no.___