Where in the world are did it come from?
Directions You will be show a series of pictures of plants and animals. Some of them have evolved in this area and are living within their normal range. They are called native or indigenous. Some of them are from not from here and are living outside their normal range. They are called introduced or exotic. Some of them do not upset the balance of ecosystems and are harmless or sometimes beneficial. Some of them upset the balance of ecosystems and are harmful or invasive. The following chart organizes the four possibilities. Make a quick 3 by 3 chart in your note book leaving space for answers.
Not invasive or Does No Harm to Ecosystems Invasive – causes damage to ecosystems With in its normal range Indigenous/Native Quadrant 1 Eg. Douglas Fir Quadrant 2 Eg. Western Pine Beetle Not Within its normal range Introduced/Alien/ Exotic Quadrant 3 Eg. Carrots Quadrant 4 Eg. Yellow Perch
When you see the picture, decide if the animal or plant would fit into quadrant 1,2,3,or 4. Hold up fingers to indicate the quadrant. Hold up 1 finger for quadrant 1, 2 fingers for quadrant 2 etc. See which answer is suggested and discuss if you disagree. Answers may vary according to where you live and according to personal point of view. Be sure to be able to back up your answer with examples. Quickly jot down the name in the quadrant it belongs. Look for patterns and try to think of your own examples.
Bald Eagle Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
European Rabbit Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Carrots Introduced Not invasive Quadrant 3
Pumpkinseed Fish Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Beaver Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
Horse Introduced Not invasive Quadrant 3
Western Painted Turtle Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
Red eared slider Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Gold Fish Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
European Starling Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Canada Goose Indigenous Not invasive but can cause problems for people Quadrant 1,2 debatable
Black Squirel Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Gypsy Moth Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
California Quail Introduced Not invasive Quadrant 3
Scotch Broom Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Purple Loosestrife Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Caribou Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
House Cat Introduced Invasive if released to wild Quadrant 4
Dandelion Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Yellow Perch Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Bass Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Rainbow Trout Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
Eurasian Milfoil Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Bull Frog Invasive Introduced Quadrant 4
Pacific Chorus Frog Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
Western Pine Beetle Indigenous Invasive Quadrant 2
English Sparrow Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
Coyote Indigenous Not invasive Quadrant 1
Black Crappie Introduced Invasive Quadrant 4
See if you can add two or three of your own examples to each quadrant. Discuss your examples with a class mate. Can you make a generalized statement based on the patterns you observe? Write it in your note book. The following slide gives an example of a generalized statement from the Ministry of Environment.
Mother Nature Knows Best