OCSLD A collection of pedagogic research Rhona Sharpe OCSLD
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development What is pedagogic research? As defined by the Research Assessment Exercise 2008 as research which enhances theoretical and/or conceptual understanding of: teaching and learning processes in HE teacher and learner experiences in HE the environment or contexts in which teaching and learning in HE take place teaching and learning outcomes in HE the relationships between these processes, outcomes and contexts.
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Pedagogic research at Brookes 1.Contributes to the field, especially our understanding of: assessment standards, feedback, plagiarism, designing for blended learning, learners experiences of e-learning, internationalisation. 2.Informs our local practices e.g. the Assessment Compact, good practice in deterring plagiarism and teaching international students, linking teaching and the specification of literacies for a global and digital age. 3.Promotes a scholarly approach to teaching and professionalisation of our staff who teach and support learning.
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development How is our research shared? Conferences: ISL, CICIN Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching School conferences and staff development events Toolkits, guides, electronic resources Reports Books Journal articles Slideshare…. Academia.edu… your blogs… … RADAR!
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development RADAR pedagogic research
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development RADAR JISC Learner Experience
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Output types
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Increasing access to outputs
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development The Open Scholar …is someone who makes their intellectual projects and processes digitally visible and who invites and encourages ongoing criticism of their work and secondary uses of any or all part of it – at any stage of its development (Gideon Burton, Academic Evolution Blog)
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development Interested in these ideas? Make your own contribution – get into the habit of saving pre and post prints and send them to us The Open Citation Project - Reference Linking and Citation Analysis for Open Archives – see their bibliography of impact studies at See Terry Andersons Keynote to ALT-C 2009 about the Open Scholar