Digestive System Shelby County ATC Medical Terminology Sherry Allen
Objectives Label the major organs of the digestive system Label the major organs of the digestive system Cite two functions of the salivary glands Cite two functions of the salivary glands Describe how gastric juices act on food Describe how gastric juices act on food Explain how food is absorbed into the body by the villi in the small intestine Explain how food is absorbed into the body by the villi in the small intestine List at least three functions of the large intestine List at least three functions of the large intestine List four functions of the liver List four functions of the liver Explain how the pancreas helps digest foods Explain how the pancreas helps digest foods Describe at least 5 diseases of the digestive system Describe at least 5 diseases of the digestive system Spell, Define and Pronounce all Key Terms Spell, Define and Pronounce all Key Terms
The Digestive System Also called the: Also called the: Gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) Gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) Alimentary canal Alimentary canal Function: Function: Break down food Break down food Prepare it for absorption Prepare it for absorption Eliminate waste Eliminate waste
Mouth Salivary glands Stomach Pancreas (behind stomach) Large intestine Small intestine Rectum Gallbladder (behind liver) Liver Esophagus Pharynx The Digestive System
The Process of Digestion Two types of digestion: Mechanical - physical breakdown of food Mechanical - physical breakdown of food Chemical - chemical breakdown of food Chemical - chemical breakdown of food A.Oral (Buccal) cavity - The Mouth 1.Teeth – begins the mechanical digestion 2.Saliva – contains digestive enzymes that help begin the chemical digestive process B. Hard palate – anterior roof of the mouth C. Soft palate – posterior roof of the mouth
Pharynx – back of the throat Pharynx – back of the throat Esophagus – carries food from the pharynx to the stomach Esophagus – carries food from the pharynx to the stomach Stomach – saclike structure located in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) that is made of rugae (folds) Stomach – saclike structure located in the left upper quadrant (LUQ) that is made of rugae (folds) 3 main parts: 3 main parts: Fundus – upper part Fundus – upper part Body-large central part Body-large central part Pylorus-funnel shaped part at the lower end of the stomach Pylorus-funnel shaped part at the lower end of the stomach Chemical Digestion – hydrochloric acid and enzymes Chemical Digestion – hydrochloric acid and enzymes Mechanical Digestion Mechanical Digestion
Small Intestines 20 foot long tube that extends from the pyloric sphincter to the large intestines 20 foot long tube that extends from the pyloric sphincter to the large intestines Consists of 3 parts: Consists of 3 parts: Duodenum – upper most part – approx. 10 inches long Duodenum – upper most part – approx. 10 inches long Jejunum – middle part - approx. 8 feet long Jejunum – middle part - approx. 8 feet long Ileum – lower part - approx. 12 feet long Ileum – lower part - approx. 12 feet long Digestion is completed here along with enzymes from the pancreas and liver Digestion is completed here along with enzymes from the pancreas and liver Contains finger-like projections called villi that aid in absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream Contains finger-like projections called villi that aid in absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream
Small Intestine Villus Circular folds Villi Epithelial cells Capillaries Lacteal Vein Artery The Small Intestine Section 38-2
Large Intestines Passageway for waste products beginning at the end of the ileum and extending to the anus Passageway for waste products beginning at the end of the ileum and extending to the anus About 5 feet in length About 5 feet in length Function is to absorb water and minerals and eliminate waste Function is to absorb water and minerals and eliminate waste Cecum – 2-3 inches Cecum – 2-3 inches Appendix – small appendage Appendix – small appendage Ascending colon Ascending colon Transverse colon Transverse colon Descending colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Sigmoid colon Rectum Rectum Anus Anus
Liver Gallbladder Duodenum Bile duct Pancreas Pancreatic duct To small intestine Accessory Organs
Diseases of the Digestive System Appendicitis Appendicitis Cholecystitis Cholecystitis Cirrhosis Cirrhosis Constipation Constipation Diarrhea Diarrhea Diverticulitis Diverticulitis Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids Hepatitis Hepatitis Hernia Hernia
Hernia Protusion of any organ, tissue, or structure through the wall of the cavity in which it is naturally contained Inguinal - groin Umbilical - umbilicus Diaphragmatic - abdomen Hiatal - abdomen S/S Varies according to site Tx Surgical repair
Hemorrhoids Enlarged veins in the anal canal caused by pressure from straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, prolonged sitting S/S Bleeding, pain, itching Tx Cold compresses Stool softeners Analgesic ointments Surgical removal
Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver Hepatitis A - Infectious Hepatitis Hepatitis B or C - Serum Hepatitis S/S Hepatitis A – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Hepatitis B, C – possible flu-like symptoms, by may remain asymptomatic for years Both - Jaundice Tx Hepatitis A – no specific tx available Hepatitis B- vaccination or immune globulin after exposure
Diverticulitis Small, blisterlike pockets develop in the inner lining of the large intestines and may balloon through the intestinal wall S/S Usually asymptomatic unless they become inflamed Pain in the LLQ, extreme constipation, or diarrhea, fever, occasional blood in the stool Tx Antibiotics Soft diet Surgery in severe cases
Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) Open sore in the digestive tract caused by: Action of the hydrochloric acid Helicobacter pylori bacteria S/S Heartburn, abdominal pain Tx Antibiotics Nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs Avoiding caffeine, smoking, and alcohol
Careers Dentist Dentist Dental Hygienist Dental Hygienist Dental Assistant Dental Assistant Dietician Dietician Dietetic Assistant Dietetic Assistant Gastroenterologist Gastroenterologist Hepatologist Hepatologist Internist Internist Proctologist Proctologist
Healthy Eating