The Urinary System Common Disorders
Urine 95% water 5% waste, toxins and salts Clear, pale amber 1000cc – 2000cc excreted every 24 hours Urochrome is the pigment that gives urine its normal yellow color
Characteristics of Urine Source: Gerdin, A (2003) Health Careers Today, 3 rd ed
Urination Abnormalities Diuresis – increased excretion of urine Dysuria Enuresis (bed wetting) Nocturia Oliguria – scanty urine Polyuria Urinary retention Incontinence
Dysfunction of Kidneys Renal Failure -Complete inability to function properly. Anuria – complete suppression of urine formation Uremia - Build-up of urea in the bloodstream. -Symptoms: Jaundice; Eyes turn yellow/icteric; confusion, puritis (itching) Nephrotic Syndrome/ Nephrosis - General group of Nephron dysfunctions… - Edema: Excessive fluid in body tissue. - Hyperproteinuria: Abnormally high blood protein levels. - Hypoproteinuria: Abnormally low blood protein levels. - Hyperlipidemia: Abnormally large amount of blood lipids.
Dysfunction of Kidneys Glomerulonephritis – inflammation of the kidney glomerulus Pyelitis – inflammation of the renal pelvis Pyelonephritis – inflammation of the renal pelvis and of the kidneys Cystitis – inflammation of the bladder Hernias Abnormal meatal openings Epispadius – urethral opening is located on the dorsal (upper surface) of the penis Hypospadius – urethral opening on the underside of the penis Paraspadias - urethral opening is on one side of the penis
Dysfunction of Kidneys Nephroptosis/ Ptosis -Downward displacement of a kidney’s. -Can be caused by rapid weight loss. Nephrolithiasis -Presence of kidney stones. -Named for the region the stone is located. - Renal colic – acute pain in the kidney area that is caused by blockage during the passage of a stone Urinary tract infection (UTI) -An infection that usually begins in the bladder. -Common in women due to shortened urethra and proximity to vagina/rectum Hydronephrosis -Blockage of urine flow cause kidneys to become enlarged and swollen. -Can cause severe damage to Nephrons.
Dysfunction of Kidneys Polycystic kidneys – multiple cysts (fluid filled sacs) within and upon the kidney Renal cell carcinoma (hypernephroma) Bladder cancer Wilms tumor Diabetes Insipidus - Inadequate secretion or resistance of the kidney to the action of ADH
Issues and Innovations Dialysis – Filtration of body fluids through a machine instead of the kidneys Kidney transplant – Drawbacks include matching tissues, expense, and shortage of donors – High success rate Lithotripsy –Disintegrates kidney stones – Prevents need for surgery to remove stone