January 27, 2011 Porcupine Northeastern Ontario Mines Safety Groups Mario Vottero KAPUSKASING PHOSPHATE OPERATIONS
December 2010 Lost Time Injury This presentation is to raise awareness; –Workplace hazard assessments (take five and think about it) prior to completing a task. Think about the tasks, hazards and controls. –Manual Handling/Lifting Procedures –Slips, trip and falls prevention as it relates to icy surfaces. Complacency; –Low risk assessment This incident became costly to our operation, the contractors employer, and the injured contractor. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Background: Mill Contractor Day’s task was to repair mill man doors. A WHAT form was completed as required by safe work permit. It was a cold and windy day. It became too cold to work on mill man doors. Contractor advised supervisor that he will be working inside chemical storage shed where he will be able to work sheltered from the cold. No WHAT form was completed for new task. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Chemical Storage Shed: PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Work Inside the Chemical Storage Shed: Heated building with cement flooring, very good lighting. Contractor was tasked to assemble lumber frames to be used as covers for grizzlies at crusher in-feed. Two 9’x12’ frames consisting of 2”x4” studs and one 2”x8”. Weighing approximately 130 lbs. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Event prior to incident: Contractor had finished assembling the lumber frames A load of chemical totes had arrived, contractor moved and leaned lumber frames from floor level to side of metal shelving nearby inside the storage shed. Warehouse technician then proceeded to move totes inside storage shed with forklift. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Incident: Once the chemical tote delivery was completed, contractor backed up pickup truck to move the 9’x12’ lumber frames to an outside storage area. Truck was parked approximately 20’ outside the large overhead doors of the shed. Surface outside was icy, uneven, snow covered, and not sanded. Frames were leaning upright against the steel shelves. Contractor attempted to lift the 130 lbs lumber frames by himself. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Incident Continued: As the contractor moved the frame lumber his footing slipped on the icy surface while carrying a awkward and heavy object. Did not fall to ground. He felt a twinge and some discomfort. On the drive home from work it is surmised that his posture while sitting during the 45 min. ride home, his lower intestines broke through the muscle tears. Resulted in a double hernia, lower abdomen area. He suffered tremendous pain, had surgery on January 6 th. Expected to be off-work for at least six weeks. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
December 2010 Lost Time Injury Action Plan: Workplace Hazard Assessments. Take five and make your work process and area safe. Proper lifting techniques. Set expectations and responsibilities. Site Sanding Program – Don Berry to discuss further later this afternoon. Supervisor (contractor site contact) has the responsibility of ensuring safe work plans address changes in contractor work activity, and safety measures are understood and applied by contractor. PNOMSG, January 27, 2011
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