Helping Poor Readers Access Course Content Christine K. Ormsbee, Ph.D. Oklahoma State University
Determining Goodness of Fit of Instructional Materials Determine the readability level of the textbook Determine the degree of considerateness of the textbook Find out if the students can read the materials Provide a reading guide to help students effectively use the textbook to learn.
Determining Readability The formula is typically based on the average length of sentences and the use of polysyllabic words and unique vocabulary. Should evaluate text sample at the beginning, middle, and end of text. readability-formula-tests.php
Readability Report Flesch Reading Ease score: 20.7 (text scale) Flesch Reading Ease scored your text: very difficult to read. Gunning Fog: 15.7 (text scale) Gunning Fog scored your text: difficult to read. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 13.6 Grade level: College. Readability Consensus Based on 8 readability formulas, we have scored your text: Grade Level: 12 Reading Level: very difficult to read. Reader's Age: yrs. old (Twelth graders)
Determine the Degree of Considerateness Visuals should be informative and support content acquisition. Graphic organizers (charts, pictures, flowcharts, diagrams) help students understand content. Embedded examples help connect abstract concepts to practical understandings. Pre-reading activities help students link prior knowledge with topics to be studied.
Can They Read and Learn from This Material? CLOZE test ◦ Select a passage of 100 – 200 words from the middle of the text ◦ Leave the first and last sentence intact. ◦ Remove every fifth word, leaving a space. ◦ Have students read and fill in the missing words. 60% or higher of synonyms or exact matches indicates student can effectively read and learn from text
Reading Guides Provide structure that links the course and textbook. Help students identify salient information in text. Can be used as a study guide. Are organized sequentially. Can be used as an assessment tool.
SPED 3202 Reading Guide sample Chapter 1: The Foundation for Education Students with Special Needs 1. Define the following terms: special education related servicesleast restrictive environment mainstreaminginclusive practicesintegration 2. Identify the three dimensions of Inclusive Practice. (p. 10) 3. Describe the impact of the Civil Rights movement on Special Education. 4. Delineate the key provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and describe the application of the 504 Plan for educational institutions. 5. Describe the key principles and provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 6. Describe the requirements of No Child Left Behind. What must P-12 schools do to demonstrate their efficacy? 7. Describe the example in the text of how an elementary school in California ensures that students with ELL are successful in acquiring early reading skills. 8. Define the concept of assistive technology and provide 5 examples of AT representing the continuum of supports.
Mark It Up Allow them to highlight key words, phrases, or lists of information. Use Post-it® Flags & Tabs Redact the text to focus on the important information
Simplify It Overview/summarize the reading assignments Introduce key vocabulary in readings Construct abridged versions of reading materials Distribute the reading over time
Get the Information Another Way Provide reading material ahead of time Provide audiotapes of the material Show videos or other demonstrations of content