State Space Analysis Hany Ferdinando Dept. of Electrical Engineering Petra Christian University
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando2 Overview State Transition Matrix Time Response Discrete-time evaluation
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando3 State Transition Matrix The solution of is If the initial condition x(0), input u( ) and the state transition matrix (t) are known the time response of x(t) can be evaluated
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando4 State Transition Matrix The (t) is inverse Laplace Transform of (s) and When the input u(t) is zero, then
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando5 State Transition Matrix From the equation above we can expand the matrix into (for example, two elements)
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando6 State Transition Matrix The 11 (s) can be evaluated from the relation between X 1 (s) and x 1 (0), the 12 (s), 21 (s) and 22 (s) can be evaluated with the same procedure
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando7 Time Response It is the time response of X(t). First, find (t) from (s). It is simply the inverse Laplace Transform of (s). Do the inverse Laplace Transform for each element of (s).
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando8 Example i(t)
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando9 Example If x 1 = v C and x 2 = i L then
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando10 Example For R = 3, L = 1 and C = 0.5,
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando11 Example I(s)V(s) s -1 1/C -1/C 1/L -R/L X 1 (s)X 2 (s) R x 1 (0)/sx 2 (0)/s
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando12 Example s -1 -1/C 1/L -R/L X 1 (s)X 2 (s) x 1 (0)/sx 2 (0)/s When U(s) = 0
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando13 Example 11 (s) is transfer function of X 1 (s)/x 1 (0). Here, use the Mason Gain Formula to get 11 (s)
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando14 Example 1 (s) is path cofactor of , is 1 + 3s s -2 1 (s) = 1 + 3s -1
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando15 Example With the same procedures, find the 12 (s), 21 (s) and 22 (s)!
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando16 Example
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando17 Example Then the X(t) can be calculated with
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando18 Discrete-time Evaluation For discrete-time, use the approximation
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando19 Discrete-time Evaluation
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando20 Example With the same example above and T = 0.2s,
State Space 2 - Hany Ferdinando21 Matlab Use function expm to calculate the (t) A = [0 -2; 1 -3]; T = 0.2 psy = expm(A*T)