Hartmut Obendorf, Harald Weinreich Faculty for Informatics, University of Hamburg The Look of the Link Concepts for the visualization of extended hyperlinks
Overview Motivation Create a vision Locate problems Sketch solutions Conclusion Systematic UI development Need for UI guidelines
Motivation for Our Work Implications for the user interface? UI aspects were hardly considered Advanced Hypertext features intrude into the Web
Motivation for Our Work Current Link Interface Cannot support some of the new features Is an accidental de facto standard with serious drawbacks, e.g.: –underlined text has reduced readability, –overlapping link markers are not possible, –no standard for links in graphics exists.
Vision Systematically develop the user interface of the Web browsers of tomorrow Learn from former systems Consider user interface research Create prototypes and do usability tests
Vision Departure Destination Arrival Destination Based on Landow‘s “Rhetoric of Hypertext“
Departure Where are the links? Locate and Select extended hyperlinks.
Links from different providers Link- base A Link- base B
Link Overload It is known that underlining significantly reduces the readability of text. This is caused by the interference of the underline with descenders, letters like g, f and y. Furthermore, underlining emphasizes text exceedingly. Hypertext stimulates an rather extensive way of reading. Readers often just scan the text for links. This is maybe a symptom of an era in which time seems to be the most valuable good.
Overlapping Markers
Mockup: Departure
Destination Where shall I go? Information about destination Selection of destination
Typed Links Semantic link types give a better idea of the target Types can also control the behavior Types are only helpful if displayed or processed XLink Human readable and computable types Links, arcs and resources are typed A B
Typed Links B A
Alternative Targets
Mockup: Destination
Arrival Welcome! Where am I ? Identify target Understand context
Target Anchors
Mockup: Arrival
Conclusion XLink opens many questions – many answers yet to be found Further research and evaluations of hyperlink user interfaces required Don‘t make same mistake again! New developments have to be accompanied by UI considerations