The Joy of Programming (also known as) Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Resources Java in a Nutshell from O’Reilly Java Standard Edition (JSE) download tml (download the SDK, not the JRE; you may not want it bundled with NetBeans; you can also download the documentation from this link) Java API Documentation Java Tutorial Lots of other stuff
What is a computer? memoryprocessordisk I/O devices data instructions
Programming Languages assembled languages // X = (A+B) * (C+D) LR 1, A // load register 1 from A AR 1, B // add B to register 1 LR 2, C // load register 2 from C AR 2, D // add D to register 2 MP 2, #1 // multiply register 2 by register 1 SR 2, X // store register 2 in X compiled languages (Fortran, Cobol) X = (A + B) * (C + D) structured languages (C, Pascal)
Programming Languages (cont.) object-oriented languages (C++, Ada, Smalltalk, Java) 4th generation languages: special purpose (RPG, DBASE, Delphi) –databases –proprietary products visual programming environments /integrated development environments (Visual Basic, Visual C++, JBuilder, Eclipse)
Compiled vs. Interpreted Compiled Languages source code => compiler => relocatable object code => loader => absolute code –source code is portable (sort of) –object code is platform-specific Interpreted Languages (Java) source code=> compiler => bytecode => interpreter => absolute code on the fly –bytecode is portable to any platform with an interpreter –interpreting is slower
Java an object oriented language an interpreted language developed by Sun MicroSystems versions: –JDK v1.7.x available free from Oracle:
Applications vs. Applets A program which runs directly on the computer is called an application programs may also be downloaded from the web and run in a browser; these are called applets applets are an outgrowth of Java’s platform independence, which allows an applet to run in a browser on any machine (PC, MAC, UNIX, …) applets are subject to security restrictions: –they cannot read or write the local hard drive –they cannot print –they can only talk to the computer that served them
Java Structure The basic programming element in Java is the class every class has a name all instructions and data in Java exist in a class classes usually contain methods, which also have a name all instructions in Java exist in a method inside a class (almost)
Application Mechanics write a class in a text editor; save it to a file with the same name as the class and suffix set the path: –In the MS-DOS Prompt window set path=%path%;c:\jdk1.4\bin –Windows98, etc.:in C:Autoexec.bat (save the original first) –WindowsXP: Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables > select Path under System Variables > Edit compile the file in an MS-DOS Prompt window: javac run the class in an MS-DOS Prompt window: java MyProgram
Applet Mechanics write a class that extends Applet in a text editor; save it to a file with the same name as the class and suffix compile in an MS-DOS Prompt window: javac write an html program to load the applet; save it to a file with.html suffix load the html file in a browser, or via appletviewer in an MS-DOS Prompt window: appletviewer MyApplet.html applets usually involve a graphical display, and/or some interaction with the user (GUI)
Hello World Application // the HelloWorld class, in file public class HelloWorld { // the main method public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println (“Hello World!”); } –class –method definition –method invocation –method parameters/Strings –comments –keywords (in blue) –curly braces/indentation
Hello World Applet import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; // the HelloWorldApplet class // (saved as public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet { // the paint method public void paint (Graphics g) { g.drawString (“Hello World!”, 20, 20); }
Hello World Applet (cont.) the HTML, saved as HelloWorldApplet.html First Applet <APPLET code=HelloWorldApplet.class width=200 height=100>
Edit program Compile program Compiler errors? Run program Exceptions? Incorrect Results? yes Program Development Process
Algorithms A procedure which is –unambiguous –executable –terminating Example: IRS Form 1040 computer programs implement algorithms you must understand the algorithm before it can be programmed